Chapter 1 - Summer Time

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Chapter 1 - Summer Time

The bell rings and I groan. Contrary to all my classmates, I dread this day. I know I should be happy; school is over. More than over as this is my last year. But I can’t be happy because it means another summer working full time at Rhonda’s. Another summer with my stepsisters pissing me off, forcing me to help them to catch the eye of some celebrity, even if that mentioned celebrity is twice their age. Nothing can stop those social climbers. They only dream of marrying a famous person and living the ‘dream life’. How can people be so stupid? Seriously, who wants that?

I know this is my last summer with them, because after this I leave to Uni and I don’t plan on going back. Ever. I’ll study medicine, get my degree and then travel the world helping as much as I can. Mum always wanted me to be a doctor and help people, when Dad started the retreat centre he hoped I would work there, being the doctor of that place. Now I will never come back to this place, I don’t plan on helping famous people who only remind me of what that place used to be.

“Ella! C’mon, leave your seat!” I hear a masculine voice and I raise my glace to meet Charlie’s eyes.

Charlie is my best friend, a cute and fun brunet with a buzzed cut and warm hazel eyes. We’ve been best friends since we were kids and he has helped me to keep my sanity. God bless his soul. I would’ve lost it years ago it if hadn’t been because of him.

“I don’t wanna go home,” I whine greeting my desk with my face. Ouch, that hurts.

“I know but you can’t stay in school when it’s over! Move that lovely arse of you,” he jokes pulling my arm.

“What arse?” I ask and he chuckles. Let’s just put it this way: my butt is not my most attractive quality, no one notices it and Charlie knows that. “I never got one.”

“You do have one and you’re only making things worse for it if you stay there, so get up! Don’t make me use the Force,” he insists and I chuckle.

We may or may not be Star Wars fans.

“Okay, okay,” I agree with a deep sigh. The classroom is empty and I pick up my textbook and notebook, throw them inside my backpack and stand up.

Charlie is smiling at me brightly, but I can’t be as excited as him. He loves summer because he gets to do many things with his family, they go out and have fun. He’s so lucky, he has a great family. A bit over-protective, but they are like that just because they adore Charlie. He is also an only child. I’ve always said his family should totally adopt me and we’ll be all happy.

“By the way, I have a surprise for you,” Charlie adds as we make our way out of school. I’ll miss this place, it was my sanctuary. I wasn’t popular, I barely had friends, but I was Rhonda-free and that’s the most beautiful thing in the world.

With my arm looped around his I arch my eyebrows, “And what would that be, oh lovely Charles?” I ask in my best posh accent, mocking him. His family is quite wealthy. Mine has a great income, c’mon, they have a retreat for celebrities! But I never see a quid of that.

“Dad told me that if I want to become a man before Uni I need to act like one, so this summer I’ll work,” he starts and I nod so he knows I’m following him. Charlie has never worked in his life so I’m really intrigued here. We’re going together to Uni to study medicine. We have so many plans for the future! I can’t wait for this summer to be over.

“And what do you have in mind?” I ask as we head to his car, an old truck. He says it’s a classic, so be careful to insult his baby in front of him. He spends so many hours fixing that truck, seriously, he is obsessed. All I see is metal and rubber, whilst he sees a vehicle with soul and heart. My friend is very special.

Call Me Ella (ft. Niall Horan)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora