Chapter 2- Steven

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I have been called many names during my twenty years of life; King, Your Majesty, Sexy Greek God, Alpha, Killer, Thief, Asshole, Self-Centered Creep, but the name that stuck the most was Beast. And, I was a Beast. I thought about only myself and nobody else, even though I was supposed to be the king of all of the Werewolf population. I had to "set" the example for all the Werewolves to follow, even though I'd rather party.

Did I want to be king at the age of fifteen? Hell, no. And yet, because of my parents' death, I was forced into the role of king and just threw it all way and partied every day and night, not caring about the packs or even the Rogue problem that had grown in the short time of my reign. I even killed stupid humans because who needed them?

But, on the night of my seventeenth birthday, an old, human woman came knocking on my door, interrupting the party of the season. She wanted food to spare and had presented me with a girlish crown of pearls, but I didn't care about her and her stupid, girly gift and sent her on her way, stating that she better be glad that I didn't just kill her.

That was the worst mistake in my life because it turned out to be the Moon Goddess in disguise. And, she made me what I was today, a monster that could love no one and no one could love me. Because who could ever love a Beast?

And, as a parting gift, she gave me the crown of pearls. She told me that if they all turned black as my soul, by my twenty-first birthday, my kingdom and myself would be forced to live in the form of half-man and half-Wolf forever, living on this land and not finding a mate. And, she will have no choice but to crown a new king, someone better than I.

For whatever reason, I just hoped that they would not let the Beast take control of them.


I snarled when someone entered my room and glared at one of my pitiful Omegas, my ears flicking to the back of my head while I gave him a hateful glare. "What?" I asked, narrowing when the Omega started to shake. I bared my teeth, and the Omega whimpered and bowed his head lower. "Why are you ruining my solitude? Speak now before I kill you." I might kill him anyway.

"P-p-please, Y-y-y-your M-m-a-j-jesty," he stuttered. "I-I w-was s-s-sent here b-b-by y-y-your B-Beta, b-b-because a-a H-h-human had t-t-traveled h-h-here by a-a-accident."

"And w-w-what does this have to do with m-me?" I mocked, and he sunk further into himself. Pride swelled in my chest because I was glad that I could get anyone and anything to fear me. I was the ultimate leader that struck fear into the hearts of others.


"Stop stuttering; it is getting annoying," I snapped with a growl, and he showed his neck in submission. "Now, what has this to do with me? He knows the drill to deal with those Pesky Mutts."

The Omega shuddered. "The man begs to be let go," he replied, trying hard not to stutter. "He has an eighteen-year-old daughter that he has to take care of, and he is the only family that she has left."

"And, why didn't my Beta kill him already?"

"He s-says that it isn't his place to say. The man is too old, also. He'll die soon."

I huffed and rubbed the bridge between my snout. "I will take care of this, then," I growled. "That man will die." With that, I started to walk towards the cells, ignoring the shivering Omega. A sneer appeared on my face, and I couldn't wait until I killed this man even if he hadn't done anything.

That was what monsters did. They kill and kill. And, whoever had to say that a Beast had to love someone if no one loved him?  

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