Chapter 11 | James

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Things had gone wrong. So very, very wrong.

He hadn't meant to take her hand like that. He hadn't expected her to take it in return. And he definitely had not expected to find himself coming that close to just leaning in and kissing her-maybe even wrapping his arms around her and begging her to let him inside the apartment.

And it would have been so damn easy. Just like the old days, before Ada.

But that's not why he was angry. That's not why his living room was in disarray with old photographs and letters; letters professing love and longing; letters that gradually grew more and more distant. Signs that he'd failed to recognize.

No, he was angry because he'd walked away and left her standing alone, and he knew how that must have looked. How she must have felt. He'd had a chance to start fresh and he'd taken the easy way out. He'd run away.

But how could you take a step forward when every fiber of your being was being ripped backwards? How could you move on when your mind was filled with the nightmares of battlefields and a failed marriage? And how were the two really any different?

He hadn't been prepared to take that leap, but now he realized that she could have been something. No. She was something.

And he didn't have her number.

She had his, unless the slip of paper had been lost. Or thrown away. He'd found himself wondering on more than one occasion about what she'd done with it.

Because the fact of the matter was that unless she called or showed up at the cafe, he probably wasn't ever going to see her again. And it had taken him too long to realize how much of a damn shame that would be.

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