04 | blush

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[just a lil side note= i uploaded a gif of kaori miyazono, some of you may know her, (ALL of you Should bc if you don't then that means you haven't watched "Your Lie in April" and it is a must watch its amazing BUT anyways) and lmao the gif might not even show up but whateva ive tried like 45 times to make it work but i give up now... but that's just how i picture Ariana when i write about her -just like more 'bodily matured' since Kaori is around 14 and Ariana is 19' but its bc i love Kaori's personality and she's amazing and that's just how i see Ariana, more aggressive tho and stronger, but ya, just wanted y'all to know~ enjoy !!]

[July 2nd X791 ]

"Natsu, you're such an idiot!" Ariana shouted in frustration. "The game was called 'Chariot' dumbass. Was that not a clue that it had to do with transportation?" the blonde beauty yelled, and watched as both Fairy Tail teams, and even Sabertooth's performances were pathetic.

All three dragon slayers that decided to participate in the games, the other two mainly interested only because Natsu decided to play, were frozen in their spots, eighth, seventh and sixth place.

"Ugh..." Ariana said, resting her chin on her palm as she leaned slightly over the balcony to get a better view of... Oh! Her teammates still unable to move and about to come in dead last because of how stupid they were being! "So much for that 'epic comeback', huh Natsu?" Ariana said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

Just as she was about to turn and walk away, for their horrible performance was beginning to bore and piss her off more, something happened.

Natsu and Gajeel... started moving.

Even if it wasn't much, step by step it was better than where Sting was standing. The bleached blonde wasn't even making an effort to move. He only watched as the other slayers were pushing themselves to come in seventh and sixth place. And Ariana was actually proud of them.

"You go! We'll take this win one point at at a time!" She shouted, a smile beaming on her face and a fist pumping in the air, along with the rest of her guild mates cheering the slayers on. As the two slayers were just about to cross the finish lines, to gain themselves only a mere one and two points, it seemed to be just enough to get the Fairy Tail guild going, fired up enough to start their come back.

Before they reached the finish, Sting had already given up, yet he was confused. Why were they trying this hard? It was one point, why would it matter?

"Would you answer me one thing." Sting said, looking down at the ground as he had stopped moving now.

Natsu and Gajeel both looked back at him as they continued to crawl with all of their might. Both of them raised a curious brow to hear what the slayer had to say. Even now, Ariana had leaned over the railing to get a little closer to hear what it was that Sting had to ask.

"Why did you decide to participate in the tournament? I wouldn't believe you were the same Fairy Tail from back in the day." The bleached blonde had began, clenching his fists tightly as the spoke the words. "Are you worried about the strength of your guild? About your public image? Where's the guild from my child hood? The Fairy Tail that I know were more like They did everything at their own pace and did whatever the hell they wanted whenever the hell they wanted. They didn't give a damn about what people thought of them." Every word he spoke he spat with venom. He seemed so... disgusted by what he thought of Fairy Tail now.

Ariana had taken his words to heart. They sunk in and made their way to her head. Was that what people thought of them now? That they were just trying to become popular again? That all Fairy Tail cared about was their image.

𝙨𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣 𝙮𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙨. sting eucliffeWhere stories live. Discover now