To The Hospital...AGAIN!

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When we arrived at the hospital we were greeted by mama McCall. She is like a mother to me my mom died by a hunter you see my mom was an omega in search of a pack I was the only person who knew.

"Hey mom "Scott's voice broke my train of thought.
"Hey mama McCall " I said innocently
"Why do you have to bring Alexa Into your situations Scott?"
Scott just shrugged his shoulders as I got a wheel chair from the other side of the room.
"I promised I would meet Malia to help her study." Stiles budded in.
"Alex so you whant a ride home or you want to stay with Scott." Stiles questioned.
"I'll stay here I want to check on Liam"
After Stiles Scott and I headed towards Liam's room.
"Can you hear anything?" I questioned the wolf.
"He's talking to his step dad and your name is being mentioned."
I quickly turned around to hide my tomato red cheeks as a huge blush creeps up. Scott just roles his eyes then his phone starts going off.

"were at the hospital right now." I herd Scott say into the phone.

"Alexa stay here and check on Liam and don't leave no matter what." he stated. "Okay" I signed.
The doctor walked out and I went in and knocked on the door.
"Hey are you okay, I don't know why my idiotic friends are always landing people in the hospital." I said slightly laughing.
" it's okay. So something like this has happened before?" He asked curiously.
"Yep my old friend Jackson and Aiden." (A/n I know it never actually happens but pretend it did) I said sadly trying to hold back the tears, but was unsuccessful when a tear rolled down my cheeks. I quickly wiped it trying to hide it.
"Hey are you ok?"he asked sympathetic.
"Ya it's just I haven't said his name in a while." I said wiping a few more tears I let slide down. Liam quickly put a hand on my shoulder.
"You want to talk about it" he asked
I took a a deep breath and signed.
"There was a time when me and Scott weren't on a good note so me and his girlfriend at the time hung out a lot. One day me,Ali and Lydia were talking when this set of twins Ethan and Aiden showed up. Me and Aiden got really close and then started dating. One day me, Aiden, Ali, Ethan, Scott and Lydia were all headed to hang out. Then out of no were these guys in all black and masked came up and tried to stab me and Scott  so Aiden got in front of me and Ali got in front of Scott. They both died right there in our arms. Me and Scott's first loves died in front of us." I explained. By that time I was sobbing. Liam grabbed me into a tight hug.
"Im sorry I asked." He apologized.
"No it's okay I needed to let it out." I said.
Then we herd a loud crash. "What was that" Liam asked. "Liam just stay hear" I signed.
Of course he didn't listen right in front of us was another amazing wendigo note the sarcasm. We herd a growl coming from the roof. When we got their the wendigo grabbed Liam and tossed him over the roof.
"Liam" I yelled.
He then grabbed me the same as Liam and tossed me over the roof also. "Alexa" Scott screamed.
Then something unexpected the wendigo went limp with something sharp sticking out his back. A guy with no mouth was standing right behind him with a shushed finger before leaving. I looked at Scott knowing what he was thinking and I nodded. He then proceeded to bite Liam. Liam screamed out in both pain and confusion. While I was just wandering what my dad was going to say about me not being home already. Scott then decided it was a good decision to kidnap him so I just agreed, after climbing off the roof.

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