Chapter Twenty-Four

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               Several hours later, Ginelle was tucked comfortably in the cushioned seat of the horse-drawn carriage. Despite the frigid air of the wintry night, her velvet cloak kept her considerably warm. She peered across the space to peek at Stefan from beneath lowered lashes. He had been kind to her all evening, escorting her about the room, introducing her as his betrothed but her affections for him had not changed. He was merely a friend.

            She closed her eyes and breathed in gently. She had to continue to remind herself that this was all for her unborn child. She wanted her child to have a better life than she did when she was younger.

            “Did you enjoy yourself?” Stefan asked gently, drawing her from her thoughts.

            Ginelle sifted in her seat and smiled. “Yes, very much, thank you.” She fell silent, feeling the sudden effects of sleep creeping forward.

            It wasn’t until she drifted asleep that the carriage rolled to a stop and they were suddenly at Ashford. Ginelle stirred awake and blinked repeatedly to clear her head.

            The coachman opened the carriage door and the frosty draft struck her face, sending a spasm of tremors through her body as she stepped down into the snow encased ground.

            Stefan was there to take her arm and lead her towards the manor. Once inside, Lucile greeted them at the door and Ginelle bid Stefan a good night.

            “These terrible cold conditions are just wrecking havoc.” Lucile muttered with disdain, trembling as she hurried to close the door. “You must be tired, go on to bed my dear and I’ll have Belle bring you some tea.”

            Ginelle smiled as she shrugged out of her cloak. “Thank you Lucile but I think I will just retire for the evening.”

            She made her way upstairs, her limbs dragging as she moved on down the darkened hall, eagerly seeking the comforts of her bed.

            Warmth wafted from the fireplace as she stepped into the room, exuding a subtle glow, enhancing shadows to creep along darkened corners. She closed the door gently behind her and tossed her cloak carelessly aside, wanting nothing more than to collapse into her bed.

            With slow, tired fingers, she worked at disrobing until she stood in nothing but her chemise. As she moved to gently lay the gown aside, it was than her peripheral caught the large, looming frame lounged precariously in the corner.

            She released a startled gasp, her eyes widening with alarm as she fell back, her body colliding against the bed-post as the shadow lazily unfurled it’s long, lean legs to stand to its towering height. Ginelle felt her heart hastened until it threatened to burst from her chest; it wasn’t until the figure stepped forward, that her eyes widened in stunned awareness.

            “Oh my-“ her eyes welled with tears as bewilderment combined with disbelief propelled her forward, only to halt as those haunting, blue eyes hardened cruelly to slits of ice.

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