The plan

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"Dammit, what are we going to do?"
Jax was pacing in his living room and growling softly. Betty was going to close her windows. Kilala was going to be stuck inside that house all night.

"I thought you wanted to be rid of the cat," observed James gruffly. "This solves everything. Now that woman can care for the kitten. Our job is done."

"It's not that simple!" Objected Jason. "She is attached to Jax- she will be miserable without him. We've all seen how she gets when Jax isn't here. It's pathetic the way she cries."

"I think it's clear. Jax needs to go back to Elizabeth's house. Stay the nights with her," Luke said from where he was leaning against the wall.

"It's Betty, and I'm not sleeping with a human!"

"I'm not sure she is human anymore," Jason said softly.

"Why do you say that?" Jax asked sharply.

"When she touched you there was actual electricity, don't tell me you didn't notice. For a brief second she smelled off."

"Smelled off, how?"

"She smelled unnatural- not like anything I've smelled before."

Before anyone could react to his statement, Luke clarified. "Regardless of all that, I meant as your wolf. She seemed to like you- this should be easy. She must be lonely; get her to adopt you for a while until we figure out a different solution."

Jax frowned. He didn't like the idea of Kilala crying all night for him. The damn kitten had crawled her way to his heart. She was just so damn cute.

He could make this work. He would be able to investigate Betty more and be there for Kilala when she appeared. It had the added benefit that he'd be able to witness just how Kilala appeared.

"I'd be able to take care of my alpha duties while she's at work or just take off during the day if she's home. If there was an emergency Luke could claim to be my owner. Any objections?"

"I think it's a lot of effort to put into a cat, but no objections," James said.

Jason and Luke just shook their heads. It was decided- Jax was going to become Betty's damn dog.


Betty was still at the care facility playing games with the old people. Jax had asked the pack member watching her to call him when she was on her way home.

He was finishing up some of the more boring aspects of being Alpha before he had to leave. There were some written complaints about houses that needed fixing up, a small matter where two pack members fell in love with the same human girl, and courtesy letters to other packs- keeping the long held peace treaties between them.

His pack was spread out across the city. They had bought houses as near to the woods as possible, but they were old and always needing repair. The alpha before his father had established them here when it was a smaller town and the woods had been denser. It was time for new houses, bigger to fit the growing needs of the pack and more secluded. They needed land. Which meant they needed money.

He finished up the last of his correspondence and then stood by his window to look out at Betty's house. Betty suited her better than Elizabeth. She looked cute today, she had actually dressed up and did something with her horrible hair. 

He could still feel her touch from this morning. It had zapped him, leaving him more curious about just who or what she was. Jason was right, she wasn't human.

He grinned when he thought of her blush, he wondered if he could make her blush again. Which led to more memories of the time he'd seen her entire body blush in her kitchen. Which led to more day dreams...

The kitten claims her mate (complete)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora