Chapter Ten

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I glanced to my side where Charlie stood, cursing under her breath.

Why exactly is she angry at me? Well I may have tipped freezing cold water on her. Don't yell at me I was being a good friend and trying not to be late for school but I have failed at that miserably.

It wasn't my fault that every time I tried getting Charlie up she'd just kick me. And that happened every time.

The eighth try, I walked up to her and poked her for about a minute and then I got the response she kicked me, again, great I wonder how big the bruise is going to be.

I looked at the time 8:30, by the time she gets up and gets ready it'll probably be the end of the day so I did what was best.

I went to the bathroom and filled up a cup of water, I'm a great friend I know. But at least it was a cup not a bucket. And at least I used warm water not cold water. Well I thought I did use hot water but it turned out to be cold since the tap takes forever to become hot.

Here goes nothing I thought, I tipped the bucket over her and there was a splash followed by a loud scream.

So now Charlie's ignoring me and is cursing under her breath. So the great friend that I am I let her be and parted my way. I looked at the time, it's 9:00. Great, my plan has failed miserably. I walked into the classroom to have everyone look at me, you can tell I love attention.

From the corner of my eye I see Chase smirking at me, I death glared at him and faced my favourite teacher.

"Where's your homework?". Of course the teacher asks that straight away, not even noticing I'm late.

"Homework?" I ask dumbfolded. Of course I knew what homework. She reminded us about it for the last few days.

"Yes the one I gave you a week ago" the teacher said ignoring the snickers from class.

"Oh that homework, it committed suicide, it had to much problems" I said dead serious, and that's when the room was filled with laughter.

I saw the glare the teacher was giving me and damn, how the hell did she get a husband. "I gave it to you yesterday" I replied annoyed before taking a seat.

The teacher gave me one last glare and turned back to the board.

I dozed off halfway through the lesson until the teacher asked Lacy a question. I sat up straight away waiting eagerly for her answer and I knew it was going to be good. It's like watching a comedy unfold right in front of you.

"Why did Romeo and Juliet both commit suicide?"

Lacy thought for a minute. "Because they wanted to"

The class sputtered into laughter. Has she not been listening to the last week on Romeo and Juliet?

The teacher looked at Lacy disapprovingly before opening her mouth to ask her another question. However the bell interrupted as Lacy sighed in relief.

"Please revisit Romeo and Juliet before our next class" The teacher gave a pointed look, looking mainly in Lacy's direction as we were dismissed.

I decided that Charlie had enough space by lunch so I decided to join her, hoping that she had cooled down.

I walked to our usual spot next to the oval under a shady tree and saw Charlie sitting on the grass on her phone. I had a few more steps to go and I slipped backwards, on something slippery on the ground. I don't even know what was on the ground that made me slip but I instantly glared at the pieces on the ground that I had tripped over.

I rubbed my head glaring at Charlie who was laughing her ass off.

What happened to friends always helping another?

"Did you just fall?" Charlie asked after her laughing fit.

"I attacked the floor" I said whilst rubbing my head.

"Backwards?" She asked starting to laugh again.

"I'm freaking talented ok" I said in pain whilst Charlie was laughing her head off.

Well at least I got my friend back, I thought.

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