Chapter 9

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"Have you locked up the kitchen?" Andrew asked, still looking around the living room in search of something that was out of place. I nodded, pulling the two small traveling bags we were using for the weekend-long trip to the front door of the cabin.

Andrew nodded, checking his watch. "We'll make it there in about three to four hours. I'm not exactly sure..." Andrew trailed with a sigh.

It was about one in the morning and the two-day convention was starting in the early evening hours. Even though Ethel had tried to reason with Andrew to take a flight, Andrew had declined, deciding to take the train which he was familiar with.

"I'll call Ethel to tell her we're about to leave," he informed me, taking his phone out of his pocket to do the necessary.

I watched as Andrew discussed with Ethel through the phone. I smiled, remembering Andrew's conversation with my mother. I'd been impressed. He'd gone through the whole conversation without insulting the woman, and he'd ended the discussion with just being called a 'waste of space' and a 'false academic.'

For a woman that clawed her way through the social ladder through countless divorces, she wasn't exactly kin to make good first impressions.

"She said she'll be there to pick us up when we arrive. She booked at the hotel late, so we'll be sharing a room."

I felt the side of my lip curve into a smile. I wasn't so sure if Andrew took the information about the hotel room as good or bad news, but it was definitely terrific news to me.

Andrew did another double-check on the cabin; searching for running taps and turned on lights. When he'd gone round for the third time in a row I stopped him, assuring him that everything was indeed in place. He'd sighed before nodding in agreement. He exited the cabin soon after with Roxanne at his heels. I frowned noticing his jumpy and panicky attitude.

Shaking my head, I decided to ignore it. It was probably the pressure from going to the convention. I walked out of the house, locking the doors behind me before tossing the key into the flower bed like Andrew had asked me too. My only hope was one of the chickens didn't pick it up and cause us to be stranded when we got back.

Thinking about the chickens, I went over to release them from their coup. I just hoped they could manage on their own during the weekend.

"Ethan, we should be leaving," Andrew called from the car. Roxanne was already at the front seat, sticking her nuzzle out the glass window.

"I'll be there!" I told Andrew before turning to the chickens. I gave them another long look before turning to head for the car.

"They'll be fine," Andrew tried to assure me as I got into the car.

I didn't answer him, I just wore my seat belt as Roxanne tried to find a comfortable position on top of me.

"Is that Hector?" I asked, scrunching my eyes in disbelief. The half-grown chick was, in fact, making itself comfortable in the car's cup holder.

"Yes, don't worry, I'm dropping him and Roxanne at your professor's place," Andrew said, running a thumb over the chick's head.

"I thought Roxanne was coming along?" I said, giving him a questioning look.

"She doesn't like crowds," Andrew sighed, starting the car. "Trust me, she's better off at Mr. Collin's place."

I didn't nudge into the matter any further. I trusted Andrew's judgment.

Not too long after he drove into town, taking familiar routes before coming up at a small bungalow.

"I'll go drop them off—"

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