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n// this is back in first person now enjoy!!

"What do you mean 'she'll burn'?!" I screeched at Elijah. "After all I've done for you all -- for him -- he has the audacity to threaten to burn me at the fucking stake?! Well no wonder everyone hates him!"

"Ophelia, darling, it may not seem as such, but this is a good thing." Elijah said calmly, desperately trying to influence my attitude as well. "He's letting you have free reign over the witches, and as long as you don't try and control the vampires or werewolves, you and your witches should be safe. That goes for your little vendetta as well. Keep that between you and Marcel only. If you end up waging war between those whom have any relationship at all with Niklaus it will not bode well with you, or your covens."

"But how can-"

"Niklaus has become accustomed to the lifestyle of taking what he wants and killing all those who disagree. Right now, he wants his throne back. He will stop at nothing to get it, do you understand me? Nothing. And when you go around, shouting from the rooftops that you're a queen, he tends to get a bit jealous and nervous that you will try and take his throne. So here's what you're going to do.

"There is to be a ball. This Wednesday night, in fact. That is where you're going to meet him. I know I have warned you about staying away from him, but I must recant that statement for your greater good. Now that he knows that you're making demands and have control, you need to show your good graces and get him to know your intentions. He is a cunning one, and he knows when one is lying. So please, for the love of God, Ophelia, if you have any secret agendas or plots against me or my family for all of the harm we have done, don't. You will not win, nor will you make it out alive. Do I make myself clear?"

"Awe, dang it!" I fake pouted. "Now I can't exercise my plans of wiping out the entire vampire race along and world domination! Rats!"

Elijah laughed at my good-heartedness, sliding an arm over my shoulder and planting a chaste kiss on my forehead.

"Whatever happens, Ophelia, just remember that I will always protect you."

"Or die trying."

"That was dark."

"You know you cherish my cynical attitude and witty banter, Elijah Mikaelson." I grinned with a little playful wink. "Where would you be without it?"

"In a better mental state, I'll tell you that much."

"Now that was rude."

Elijah just laughed as I brought him in for a hug, wrapping my arms around his toned abdomen.
"I'll always protect you, too, Shakespeare." I whispered. "Even if I have to burn."

Elijah sucked in a deep breath, wrapping his arms around me and holding me there for a moment. And I could tell that he knew now that whatever was to come out of this ordeal between his brother and his favourite witch was not to be good, and more importantly, end in death.

"Now leave," I smiled lightly, breaking the contact and brushing off the bad vibes he was sending. "If there is 'to be a ball', then mama's gotta get a dress."

Elijah laughed and shook his head, reaching into his pocket and fishing out his wallet.

"Then allow me to pay for 'mama's dress'," he said, pulling out a few hundred dollar bills, making my eyes widen to the size of golf balls. "After all, if I am dragging you into potential danger, I should at least pay for a dress."

"Elijah, I can't-"

"You will take the money and find yourself a lovely gown," the Original insisted. "I suggest a shade of green -- it'd compliment your skin tone in a lovely way."

"Well look at you, Coco Chanel."

Elijah just rolled his eyes and handed me the money, earning a smile in thanks and another hug of gratitude from my part. I may have been a queen, but I was also another thing -- broke.

"Thank you so much, Eli," I said again. "You're kinda like the dad I never had, you know that?"

"Thank you," He responded, with a smile. "I had the opportunity to have children, that privilege being robbed from me long ago. But I am proud to say that I see you in a familial way as well, my darling Ophelia. So thank you, for being the person I can finally take care of and love."

I grinned and kissed him on the cheek, hugging him once again.

"Wow. Way to sound like a sugar daddy, Elijah." I said teasingly.

"I did not sound like a-" He cut himself off with a sigh, taking in a deep breath before speaking again. "Now just... go on. I don't want any last minute hysterics because you procrastinated on buying a dress."

"You know me too well, Elijah."

sweet ophelia ⚜️ klaus mikaelson | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now