Chapter 13

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After checking on Adrianna I took a shower and got dressed in a pair of black leggings and Darren's sweatshirt.
I put my hair up and went to my closet. I grabbed my white converse and slipped them on, going back to Adrianna.
I picked her up and walked downstairs.
I need a stroller for her. Which means I need to go see my dad.
I put Adrianna in her basket and took her with me to the pack house.
I walked up the stairs and went to Percy's room, knocking on the door.
"Yeah?" He opened the door, stopping and staring at me. "Oh. You."
"Yes. Me. Where's dad?"
"He hasn't been out of his room since you left."
"Oh. Thanks."
I walked down the hall and up another flight of steps to my fathers room.
I knocked and waited for him to open the door.
When he did all I could do was stare at him. His eyes were bloodshot, he had let his beard grow out, he looked awful.
"Kaiya." He said, startled. "What do you need?"
"I need a stroller. I know you kept them." I said.
He slowly nodded and walked back into his room.
I started to follow and then stopped, remembering the beating I got last time I came in here.
I was only about 7. I had a bad dream so I came in here, trying to seek comfort from my dad. But instead he turned out worse than the nightmare I had.
"Here." He said, bringing me out of my thoughts, handing me a purple stroller.
I went to say thanks but he shut the door in my face.
I stood there for a second, staring at the shut door.
I dragged it downstairs and back to our house.
I unlocked my car door and shoved the stroller in the back.
I went to put Adrianna in when I realized I don't have a seat for her.
I groaned and took her back inside.
"Darren!" I called.
"Yeah?" Walked downstairs.
"I need you to come with me." I said.
He nodded his head and I threw him my keys.
He went up to get his shoes as I went out to the car, sitting in the front seat with her in my lap.
A few minutes later Darren came out.
"You ready?" He asked.
I nodded as he pulled out of the driveway.

When we got there he took the stroller out and opened it up for me.
I sat Adrianna in it and put her little blanket on her.

After about two hours of being at the mall we had gone to multiple stores and got plenty of clothes, shoes, diapers, toys, a baby bag, formula, bottles, binkys, a rocking chair, a car seat, a changing table and a crib.
Once I was satisfied we went home and I walked upstairs with Adrianna and built a pillow fort around her. Then I went and helped Darren bring everything up to an empty room.
"I'll get Darius and Hunter." I said. He nodded so I walked out of the room and yelled their names.
Within a minute they were both standing in front of me.
They agreed to help and I went to ask Julianna if she'd watch Adrianna for me.
I knocked on her door and I heard a man talking.
"Coming!" She yelled through the door.
She opened the door and smiled.
"I have someone for you to meet." She said, opening the door to show Layton.
"Julianna!" I yelled happily. "You found your mate!" I jumped and hugged her. She laughed.
"Yeah. I did. Sorry I didn't tell you sooner." She giggled.
I shrugged at her and smiled.
"C'mon! Let's go see Adrianna!" I pulled her up to the baby.
I stopped in the doorway and screamed.
They were playing catch! With the kid!
"Darius! Hunter! Put her down!"
I ran over and grabbed her up.
"Don't ever do that again! You scared me!"
They hung their heads and walked to go help with setting everything up.
"Awe. Can I hold her?" Julianna asked.
"Sure." I handed her over.
I walked into the other room to check on the boys. They had crib and changing table put together.
We decided that's all we'd put together since we won't be here forever.
I walked over to the crib and grabbed some blankets, making her bed. I put a tiny pillow in and went to get her.
When I walked in I saw Julianna holding Addy and Layton was watching her in awe.
"Hey." I said.
"Oh. Hey. Heres Addy." She handed her to me.
"Thanks." I walked her into the baby room and laid her in the crib. I grabbed her bottles and formulas and went to the kitchen.
I made a few bottles, stinking them in the fridge.
I put everything away and grabbed one of her bottles walking back upstairs.
The boys were done and everyone was in the living room now.
I changed her diaper and put on her pajamas. I sat down with her and fed her a bottle.
She slowly fell asleep and I put her back in her crib. I turned around and jumped. Darren was standing by the door.
"You scared me!" I whisper-yelled.
"You know," He walked over to me. "I can't wait till I get to see you doing that with our baby." He whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.
"Me too."

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