Chapter 14

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Rudy waited a few hours after his chat with Joe and Geoff, making his plans and being on his best behavior He didn't want anyone getting suspicious, so he sat in his cell, quietly, and wrote in his journal of how he would escape. He had multiple plans, some elaborate, some pathetic, some quite ingenious. Some he had even stolen from old operations he had been on with Reed. But he knew those were too risky. Murray had read all their reports and Reed had been a stickler for information. There was no way Murray wouldn't recognize those ploys if he saw them. So after a few quiet hours, when Geoff returned on another patrol, he called out to him without any of his usual joviality.

"Hey Geoff, you can tell Murray I'm willing to talk now. I want out of this hole." He sighed, as if saddened by his defeat. Geoff was so shocked at his request that he stood there, blinking at him like an idiot, with his mouth gaping open, before realizing that he wasn't hallucinating.

Geoff waited until his voice was back to normal, after his surprise, before pressing the button on his walkie-talkie that would connect him to the D block control room. "This is patrol four in D block. Prisoner 0594 is willing to talk. Call Murray and get him down here." Ashtin was watching the security feeds and controlled all the doors, he would need him to contact Murray to interrogate Rudy. After a few minutes of static, that Geoff knew was partly surprise and partly because Ashtin was on the phone to Murray, getting a response, he had an answer to his request.

"Copy that, Patrol four. Orders are to take prisoner to Interrogation wing." Ashtin replied casually, before pressing the buzzer for Rudy's cell door to be opened. Geoff waited until the door was in full release before stepping forward.

"Alright, into the position Rudy." He ordered, waiting until Rudy was standing in the mandatory position where he could slap some handcuffs on him to make their short distance safer. There was silence from Joe's cell. It was clear that after all of his complaining about Rudy's schemes and talking, he was in just as much shock as Geoff was that he was willing to tell all to Murray, his most hated enemy. But it wasn't Geoff's place to question him or his conscience. He secured the handcuffs in front of Rudy and then grabbed his elbow and led him towards the exit. It took a few moments for Ashtin to unlock each door as they came to it, but neither spoke as they walked. It was far too serious a moment.

As they were crossing the empty exercise yard, Rudy began using the small piece of broken crockery he had fashioned into a pick, to unlock the handcuffs. The silence and Geoff's staunch professional manner helped a lot in being undiscovered. They both looked straight ahead and barely registered anything else. Once they were free, he took his chance, in the first corridor of the interrogation wing. There was a small closed to his right that he would utilize. He dropped the handcuffs and instantly wrapped his arms around Geoff's neck in a sleeper hold. He wouldn't hurt the guy, he had kids and had actually been civil to him, but he couldn't let him interfere either.

"Sorry Geoff." He apologized with a smile of victory, before dragging the unconscious guard into the closet. He rushed to change clothes with him, stole his gun and walkie-talkie before leaving the building the same way he'd come in.

Rudy was in the yard when Murray approached, so he tipped his hat lower in a sign of hello, trying to cover his face as he changed the pitch of his voice to greet his old boss. "Morning." He almost smiled when Murray nodded back in greeting. He thought he was free and clear and strolled a few more feet before he heard the familiar sound of a gun being cocked by his right ear.

"Do you really think I'm that stupid?" Murray asked plainly, as Rudy turned only to see that two more guards were pointing their guns at him as well. Where they had come from he didn't know, but he only cursed himself for that thought. He should have known. He should have seen something. Grudgingly, he sighed and put his hands up, sinking onto his knees so that he could, once again, be taken into custody and returned to his usual cell.

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