Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Commander Strong's office was no more than four walls, painted a light blue, with a desk situated in front of a window that looked out onto the barracks.

The bare walls and shelves said that Strong preferred to spend his time outside but this morning was different.

This morning he paced in front of the window, his hands clasped tightly behind his back, and he looked to be holding a great deal back.

"I would expect something like this from some of the younger recruits but not from two senior Marines," Commander Strong appeared to be speaking calmly but Jules could hear the constraint on his voice.

He was finding it difficult not to shout at them. Neither Marc nor Jules dare move an inch.

They were stood to attention in front of their commanding officer's desk but their eyes were glued to the wall as Strong walked away from the window and passed them.

Julia could see his eyes, the colour of dark chocolate and secretive, focus on her face before he reached Marc and turned around to walk back.

"I do not need to tell you how disappointed I am in the pair of you," Strong continued, "Assaulting young, civilian men in nothing more than a pub brawl!"

Jules's throat worked against her. She knew he was upset, she could feel his anger reverberate through the room, but her stomach twisted to think that he was upset with her.

She felt like a little kid being told off for the first time by their father. She hated it.

A tense few moments passed as Strong let the gravity of the situation settle fully on their shoulders. Julia didn't think she could feel any worse than she did right then as Strong walked back behind his desk.

Marc was the first to breach the silence. "Sir, if I may-"

"No, you may not." Strong cut him off, his fist resting against his desk.

Julia could see Marc swallow out of the corner of her eye as he fell back into line.

"The one thing I need from the both of you is discretion," Strong seemed to shake his head a little before he looked up at them and Julia could see that he was battling with something, "More now than ever."

Jules frowned at his words.

He wondered if he should tell them, but he remembered his orders and, despite his personal objections, he was a good soldier so he held his tongue.

"You will not be punished this time but if I hear about any more senseless brawls then you'll both be court marshalled. Is that understood?"


"Sir." They saluted.

"You may leave." Strong fell into his chair behind his desk as he watched them turn and leave through the door they had entered.

They had no idea what was happening, Strong scoffed. It was absurd, wrong even that he could not tell two of his best Marines something that affected them directly.

Making his decision, he reached across and snatched the phone from its holder.

Dialling the number he had been given, the phone rang three times before it was answered on the other end.

"Yes?" The matriarchal voice answered.

Strong did not bother to introduce himself, "I cannot keep it from them for much longer."

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