Running for the truth

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" Dr!! where the fuck are u?! "
" yes sir, and where is the patient?! "
" actually your the one that should fuckin answer this fuckin question!! u told us to come in and visit her; not come check out the fuckin disappearing body!! which is very likely dead now with her blood all over this goddamn room!! "
" sir she was just here 10 minutes ago, something must be wrong.. "
" i know something is fuckin wrong!! just call the fuckin police! "
this was my conversation with the hospital asshole doctor after what nancy and i had just seen; which took us some time to realize whats really happening, and to be honest nancy looked much more sad and depressed more than i did, I'm not even sure i was sad, i just got to know the lady, but nancy, it felt like dr. sara was her mentor. Anyway, by the time we started realizing and believing what was happening the cops were here. Case reopened, crime scene occupied, prints being taken and analyzed, and investigations with every single person in the hospital, starting with... you just said it, nancy and I. Each one of us was taken into a separate room and investigations started while i was hoping nancy doesn't crack or cry, cause that will make them suspicious; they really just wanna end this damn case, no matter who is sentenced for death.
" Okay... we know u didn't do it Thomas, but we also know nancy did, so are.. "
" what the fuck are u saying?! nancy didn't do shit, she was there with me all the time, and why the fuck would she even want to hurt dr. sara? she loves her more than anything in this world. Try to find the damn truth, not just throw bullshit at anyone!! "
" Okay, thats a great speech, but this doesn't change the fact that her finger prints and footprints were all over the room, and this also doesn't change the fact that two nurses witnessed seeing her entering dr. sara's room yesterday, judges don't take love as innocence sir, so i think u need u need better evidence to prove her not guilty "
and at the same time i was receiving this speech, i heard nancy crying next room, which made things more worse and worse.
" She may have just been checking on her, and that's why all her fingerprints and footprints were there, and id like to stop this fuckin investigation with me and her until our lawyer arrives. "
I walked out the room and walked into the room were they had nancy crying, and i grabbed her and walked out the door and just hugged her, and for the first time in my life, i felt her hugging me back, and holding on to me; I couldn't really figure out who needed who more at that moment, but i knew i really needed that hug. We forgot about the world for a few minutes until the lawyer came and did some shit and the case was closed for lack of evidence, and i took nancy and just got outside of that place to wait for mr. unknown to text or call so i can do whatever he wants to get her back. We went to my house and went up to my room, and she fell asleep as soon as she got on the bed; but me, i couldn't, i just couldn't, i couldn't even blink staring at nancy's phone, cause I'm sure he already knows they took my phone, so where else would he call? an hour passed and the second and so on...
" Thomas! Thomas wake up!! "
" what? is everything okay?! "
" yes calm down, its just that... a private number is calling "
" okay, give me the phone. "
" What do u want this time? i know u want something, so just say what the fuck u want so i can get her back! "
" Okay, getting to the point is much easier, and it also saves credit u know.. "
" What the fuck do u want?!! "
" i wanna play Thomas, i wanna play, u know i wanna play, but I'm not sure what game to play yet, what about u choose a number, and this decides the game? "
" 13"
" Okay, dr. sara is either in her house or in her office, and in " 13 " minutes, i kill her, so choose one place, and go for it, and i only have one last advice, RUN!! "
I didn't have time to even choose. 
" Nancy listen to me, i want to go as fast as u can to dr. sara's house and see if she is there, and take care, i love u, bye. "
And we both started running in opposite directions; i started a timer of 13 minutes and by the time i reached the school there were 2 minutes remaining. I ran up to her office and as i reached her office i heard the mobile alarm as the 13 minutes are over, I ran inside to find inside nothing waiting for me. I didn't have the time to think of anything; I got the phone out and dr. sara's house, but no-one answered, i called once and again and again but still nothing.
" Hey dr. sara or nancy or who ever the fuck hears this voice message, call back please, please call back as fast as u can "
I got out of the office and ran outside and started running towards the house cause she must be there, dead or alive he will be there. I kept running until I just had to stop to take a breathe cause I felt like I was being deoxygenated for running too much without breathing, and as i was about to breathe, the phone rang, and it was dr.sara's home.
" hello "
" Thomas its me nancy "
" Nancy is she there? please tell me she is there and alive, please nancy, don't tell me we did all this for nothing!! "
" Thomas I want u to take care, and i want u to know i loved u, and i will always love u, i was just scared to be falling for the wrong person, but u have been the right person since the first moment, i guess its too late for that cause...
" Cause what nancy? nancy whats wrong?! "
" I'm dead Thomas, Im fucking dead!! "
" Nancy? Nancy wait!! "
What do u mean by dead? did he know I'd do that? did he know I'd send her there? but why her? why not me? I kept asking myself all these fuckin questions while running towards the house to receive the 2 dead bodies. He fucked me right, didn't he?
I reached the house and broke in cause I knew Id be knocking for nothing. I got in, looked around, nothing was there; besides the blood traces on the stairs. I followed the blood which led me to her room on the second floor. I don't think i have seen or will ever see anything like what I'm seeing now.

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