five // nobody's home

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five // nobody's home (edited!)

When I woke up, Romeo had left. It was around 4am and I was still on that stupid hill all on my own. Anybody could have taken me if they wanted. I didn't see him until the Tuesday after. Since we kissed, I didn't think he'd have the heart to just leave me there like that, but I guess I didn't even know him at all.

It was a Tuesday morning, and I was sitting in biology class next to my ex-boyfriend, Max. We never stopped being friends even after we broke up, probably because we always had been better off as friends. He had dirty blond hair and dark brown eyes, eyes that I was never intrigued by—probably because he was never looking at me.

"You look tired," he pointed out. I wasn't still tired since Friday, the last time I saw Romeo. Perhaps it was just the reality that I was having withdrawal symptoms. I suppose I missed hearing his insightful speeches, even though it had only been four days since I last saw him. I leant my head against my desk, and Max asked, "What's wrong?"

I huffed, "I miss someone."

Max pursed his lips and remained silent. He never knew how to make me feel better, and he was failing even worse now.

So, during lunch, I sat alone beneath the tree that I usually found Romeo under in the hope that maybe he'd show up. And of course he did.

He sat beside me and stared off into the distance. "Hey," he mumbled lowly. Since he wasn't looking at me, I didn't look at him either.

"Where were you?" I asked through gritted teeth, although I did try my hardest not to sound angry. It was infuriating that he thought he could show up like that and act as if he hadn't disappeared for four days. "I could have been kidnapped."

His response was gentle but quick. "I wouldn't have left you alone if I thought you weren't gonna be okay." But he hadn't answered my question; where had he gone to? What so important that he had to leave me like that?

I couldn't help but look at him now, but he didn't look the way I expected him to. He looked weary; there were bags beneath his eyes and his skin looked a little paler. His confusing eyes had lost their glow and appeared duller than they usually were. Out of sympathy, I softened. "Well, at least I'm fine now. Don't even worry about it."

As I looked down at my hands, I noticed Romeo's eyes on me. Something was going on with him, but I didn't want to force him to tell me. If he wanted to let me know about it, he'd do it because he actually wanted to, not because I forced it out of him.

"Do you wanna skip school with me?" he asked. After a brief moment of deliberation I nodded as I stood up and offered my hand.

We left the school swiftly and waited for the bus to arrive. Romeo stood over me, looking down at me with an unreadable expression on his perfectly structured face. I returned his gaze.

With his large hand, he brushed my hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ear, as he leaned down and placed a sweet kiss on my lips. I returned his kiss as my eyes fell closed. Kissing him felt like drinking a glass of water after not having a single drop for days. The butterflies tickled my stomach.

The bus soon arrived and we got on. We found seats right at the back. Romeo leaned his head on my shoulder with his eyes closed as he rested peacefully. To act as some sort of comfort to him, I found his hand and held it in mine. He squeezed, just to show his appreciation. Throughout the journey, we didn't even exchange words.

Once we arrived at his house, we sat on his couch in silence. He said nobody was home. Somehow, we started kissing at some point. I don't remember how it started, but it got pretty intense pretty quickly. He was lying on top of me on the couch as he kissed me sensually. He gently bit my lip which caused me to gasp. I felt him smiling.

Our kissing became more vigorous and he pulled his shirt over his head. I didn't realise how much I enjoyed the spontaneity of whatever is was we had. My hands explored his body. He was rough with me at the same time as he was tender. The way his body moved with mine awakened the butterflies again. As he kissed along my jaw and behind my ear, I wondered if he'd done this with anyone before.

Eventually, he helped me to remove my top so I remained in my bra. His warm lips were returned to mine and he kissed me passionately. I never wanted it to end.

"Romeo?" a voice behind us said. Out of shock, Romeo and I rolled off the sofa and landed on the floor with a thump. I covered my body with my arms as I desperately tried to escape the situation. Frantically, I searched for my top, trying to hide from whoever it was standing behind me.

Romeo stood up, "Dad? I thought you'd be at work." Great, I thought, it's not just anybody, it's his dad. Romeo handed me my shirt and I threw it on in the blink of an eye. My cheeks burned as if they had been pinched.

"How could I go to work at a time like this?" his dad replied, tugging at my curiosity.

But I just needed to escape; I had to get out of there. I stormed towards the front door and struggled with it as I tried to open it, but I could feel Romeo's hand wrap around my arm as he tried to pull me back. I couldn't go back. I was embarrassed.

"Get off me," I ordered, trying to struggle free from his grip at the same time as I was still fiddling with the door. He held me by my waist the second time around.

"Mia..." I loved the way he said my name, but I was not going to let that waver my anger.

"Next time you try to get in my pants, make sure we don't have an audience first, asshole!" I barked as I freed myself from his grip. At last, I opened the door and let myself out. I turned around to send him one last spiteful glance before I disappeared.

a/n: only the first five chapters are updated atm! i will have another five chapters updated tomorrow xoxo - sarah

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