25. Breaking Down Walls

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P.S- new book in prof :)
Intercepted [ screenshot in media] . Please check it out!
^^^ [ Somewhat Modern twist to Romeo and Juliet ]


Trepidation ran through me or maybe that was just the feeling of the wind passing over the hair standing up on my skin. Whatever it was, it flooded through me, taking ahold of me and giving me no sign or relief.

I would have taken being locked in the act with Douglas in awkward silence over this any day. Heck, I would've taken being thrown into a pit filled with lethal snakes over this any day.


The fear in me increased even more at the thought that Douglas was not here right now and I was, in its essence not following him like I was supposed to. Again, my mind drifted to the power the man behind me wielded and what he could do to me using that power, just for getting on his nerves.

"Georgia, darling." I heard Sebastian Burns, the one thing I feared right now more than anything else, say before footsteps followed and I saw him walk up to Georgia who had gotten up and pull her into a tight hug. "I had no idea you would be here."

My eyes now honed in on the little spec of cotton stuck on the rug, I could only hear Georgia respond with a melodious giggle before she said, "Douglas contacted me earlier this week."

"One thing he did right, I tell you," Sebastian Burns replied before he released a guffaw of laughter. "It's good that you both put aside whatever nonsense of a fight you both had going on."

Fight? I scoffed before I could think twice of it.

Unfortunately that was the wrong thing to do, because that seemed to draw Mr Burns attention to me. Even without looking up, I knew he was. Now staring down at me.

"Krystal, darling," he began as he moved towards me. "How's things been so far?"

I stiffened in my seat once I noticed he'd taken the chair across from me. "Okay." The words came out in a whisper but thankfully he didn't ask me to repeat myself or I would just have fainted from fear.

"Douglas not being too tough on you?" What surprised me even more than him asking me that question was that he sounded genuinely curious of the answer.

"Uh...no, sir." I finally looked up and met his blue eyes.

He waved me off with a smile. "No sir, business. Either you call me, Sebastian, Uncle Seb, like Georgia or just Mr Sebastian."

I inwardly cringed at the thought of calling one of Forbes top businessmen 'Uncle Seb' or by his first name. Especially given the fact that he had been my father's employer and I hadn't even met him once when my father worked for him and now I myself was working for him. I liked to keep things professional and keep it that way. "Mr Sebastian, then."

"Good," his eyes then wander the empty room. "Now where's Douglas and Will? I'm sure that I told them I'll be here early to discuss something."

I must've resembled a goose about to be cooked at his words because Mr Burns laughed at me.

Burned (Hate at First Flight #2) ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें