Chapter Five

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Please point out mistakes nicely . If you want different point of views like Kale , Noah , or Nina comment and I'll do it.



When Jake and I got back with coffee we found everyone laughing. Me and Jake smiled at each other and went into the room quietly. We went up behind everyone and " AHHHHHHHHH," Jake and I screamed at the same time. Everyone screamed except for Caleb. I looked at him and he was laughing his ass off in his bed. He kept cringing in pain so I felt bad now.
" You are going to regret that ," Kale yelled. He ran after me and Jake. I was running slower than Jake so I was gonna get caught quickly. That is until Jake threw me over his shoulder and started running toward the elevator. We got in and realized he would get on to the elevator if we didn't run. So we bolted again and ran down the hallway to our right. We got to the stairwell and Jake started running down with me still over his shoulder. Kale was catching up to us quickly. We exited the stairwell and ran  for the doors that led out to the car park. Jake got his keys out and unlocked the car . Jake got in before me, but as soon as I went get into Kale's arms snaked their way around my waste making me squeal. He then turned me around and threw me over his shoulder and knocked on Jake's window.
" I'll get you later , Jake," he said. He started walking back inside the hospital with me still on his shoulder.
" Kale put me down," I whined.
" No, I'm taking you back up to your brothers room on my shoulder cause I know you will run," he said triumphantly.
" If you put me down I won't fucking run," I said through clenched teeth.
" Fine I'll put you down on one condition," he said. I could already sense his smirk.
" What would that be, Kale," I asked?
" You have to come to Noah's party with me and you can't leave without me," he said.
" But I don't want to go to Noah's party with you," I whined.
" Then you don't get to walk to your brothers room," he said.
"Fine , you'll regret this," I said with a smirk. I already knew I had to have something planned quickly if he wouldn't let me down so o thought of something. It might not work buts it's worth a try. I swung my leg down and kicked him where the doesn't shine. He dropped me which gave me the chance to escape from. He was angry, I could tell by the look in his eyes . I started running down the hallway towards my brothers room.
" You are so gonna get it now," Kale yelled as he sprinted after me.
" That's if I don't make it to the room first ," I yelled back laughing. I saw my brothers room and sprinted faster. I reached the room just in time to see Nina opening the door. I slipped in and went over to my brother and sat down. I was out of breath from sprinting down the hall. Just when I thought the coast was clear Kale barged into the room looking more pissed than ever. I was a little scared to be completely honest with you. I stood up ready to bolt when he lunged at me. I squealed and ran out of his way. I was running down the hall from him once again. This time I got to the elevator in enough time for it to close. While I was in the elevator I called Jake and told him to come get me from the hospital before Kale kills me. I got down to the parking lot to see Jake just now pulling in. I ran over to the passenger side door and slid in right as Kale came out and made eye contact.
" Thank god, he was going to kill me for sure," I said out of breath.
" Well what did you do to the poor guy," he said smirking.
" Well he wouldn't put me down so I  managed to kick him where the sun   don't shine," I said scratching the back of my neck nervously.
" Oh my god," he said before laughing his ass off. When Jake was done laughing  he looked at me.
" Hey , where am I taking you ," he asked?
"Oh umm home , just turn here and then take a right and I'll show you which house is mine," I said. He pulled up to the front of my house and I got out.
" Hey Noah's having a party tonight you and the boys are invited just meet me here at 5:30," I said.
" Okay that sounds good," he said pulling off.
" Thanks for the ride home Jake," I yelled.
" Your welcome," he yelled back.
I went upstairs and texted Nina telling her we were going to Noah's party. She said she was going to be at my place in about twenty minutes . I quickly hopped in the shower and washed up. I got out and looked at the time on my phone. I still had ten minutes till Nina got her to get ready for the party. I walked into my and bedroom and screamed. There sitting on my bed was Kale.
" Kale get out," I screamed. I automatically tightened my towel around me.
" I told you I would get you back , so I will not be getting out," he said with a smirk . He was still mad to and you could tell. I looked up and saw him walking towards me. Out of instinct I took a step back. He took another step forward . So I took another step back. When I did my back was now up against the wall. He flashed me a devious grin and came up to me. He put both of his hands on either side of me trapping me in . He started leaning in and he kissed my neck . It sent a shiver down my spine. I have never felt this kind of feeling with anyone. It feels wrong. I have seen him sucks faces with almost all the girls at school during lunch. I tried to push him back but he thinks I'm playing hard to get. I mean he is a attractive. Oh god I need to stop think this way.
" Get off you man whore," I yelled. I pushed him again and he stumbled backwards this time falling on to the floor.
" Why the hell did you push me," he yelled.
" Cause you think it's okay just to start leaving kisses down my neck," I yelled. I had started crying. I was afriad this was going to happen again. I grabbed my clothes and ran to the bathroom while still crying. I shut the door and locked it. I got dressed as quick as I could .
" Naomi , please open door," he said . I just sat there and ignored him.
" Naomi, I'm not afraid to bust this damn door down," he yelled. I sat there wiping my face off. I thought he left but he didn't . Next thing I know the door comes off the hinges and falls to the floor. Kale walked in with a worried look in his eyes but it was soon replaced with an expressionless mask. He just walked out of the room muttering a string of colorful words.
About five minutes later Nina arrived at my place to start getting ready for the party. I haven't been to a party in awhile so I was going to let loose tonight and have some fun.

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