Chapter 2

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"Manni said you're gonna be home in three days. Are you? I miss you," Efa said quickly.

I laughed quietly. Efa has been asking when I was coming home ever since she started living with her. She's been driving Manni crazy with that. I hear that question more from her than Efa now.

"I'll be home sooner than you think. Just be ready, okay? I have to go so I'll talk to you later."

"Wait, what do you mean b-"

I hung up. I didn't want to ruin the surprise. We arrived at DC a few days ago and as a Christmas present they let us go early.

Lani left immediately when they told us. She really misses Liv. I on the other hand left the next day. And Jess and Ryot tagged along. Jess didn't have anyone to really go home to and Ryot didn't want to go back. So they somehow managed to sneak in my car.

"Efa, seems very excited," Jess said laughing.

I forgot they could hear her. She was talking so loud I barely had to hold the phone up.

"Does Manni know we're coming over," Ryot asked.

"Nope, but that's the point of surprises."

We were a few minutes from the house now. A couple more blocks and I'll be home. If Lani didn't ruin my plan then she's still be home and stayed there.

If I had to remember one thing Manni said, its that Efa is a good actress. She could probably have me believe that she didn't know. I'm still trying to learn about her, but being away is screwing that up.

One more block to go.

I hadn't had a chance to look at my mom's file. I haven't worked up the nerve to. Plus I haven't seen what she looked like in years. The pictures I had of us was all when I was younger. Sanders told me back in Quantico that, that file was from last year. They left him in the dark too.

I pulled up to Manni's house, jogging up to the front door. Efa answered, latching herself on me. She's the only person I'll accept surprised hugs from.

Ryot and Jess came up a second later and she hugged them to. Jess swung her around and Ryot just ruffled her hair.

"Hey you said three days," she fussed, dragging me in.

"I know. I just thought that wasn't soon enough."

She cut her eyes at me before running off to get Manni. She came running back a minute later, hopping on the couch.

"Manni's not happy," she whispered.


"Aeron, you're back. . . And you've brought company. Oh well the more the merrier," Manni yelled trying to pull us in a group hug.

She didn't look like she mad. She looked happy. What was Efa talking about? Manni looked like she wanted to jump up and down. Why would she be unhappy?

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. Why wouldn't they be?" I shrugged. "Good. I have cupcakes in the kitchen if anyone wants some."

Manni scampered off before I could say anything else. The boys practically ran for the cupcakes, but Efa looked like she could eat anything but. Overall though she looked better. Still a little cut and scab on her wrist, from before, but better

Her hair was in two little braids. And she had on gray leggings and a large Elf sweater. I sat next to her, looking at the tv. The Spongebob Christmas special was on. Just as soon as I sat down the doorbell rang.

This Should Be Fun pt. IIWhere stories live. Discover now