Our Little Boy - 11

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Of course I didn't get very far. The wolf Micael was too fast and went right past me and blocked my way, snarling at me. I still held on really tight onto JJ who still hadn't stopped crying."Please, Micael? Let me get him back to Dani and I swear you can do whatever,please." I begged him.

"No, mommy!" JJ whimpered, burying his face into my neck. Out of nowhere, Xavier appeared. "Yo, dude! Hunter needs help." he said to Micael desperately. Micael glared at me with his black eyes and growled one last time before speeding back.

"Rain! Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." Xavier said shaking his head. "It's okay, X." I said softly. I sat down on  a nearby tree stump and looked at my son. His face was tear-stained and he looked so sad. "Oh! I'm sorry, baby! I should have never brought you back here. We're leaving first thing tomorrow." I said kissing him and wiping away his tears.

Xavier stared at me. "You know, Hunter's gotta reason to be mad." he said. I glared up at him "And whats that?" I snapped. Hunter had no right whatsoever to be mad. He never gave me the chance to even explain!

Xavier rubbed the back of his head. "Well, you know. You did leave him and had someone elses baby  -"

"Xavier!" I snapped, then I place JJ down on the tree stump and stood up. "You don't know anything so shut the hell up." I said, putting my hands on my hips. He was about to say something but then he looked at JJ - properly.

"How old is he?" Xavier asked, his eyes narrowing at my son. "Three." I replied. Xavier's eyes went wide then. He looked from me to JJ and seemed to be putting the pieces together. "It's his baby." Xavier whispered in shock and took a step forward. "It's Hunter's son." he said, still whispering.

I rolled my eyes "You don't say."

Xavier crouched beside JJ and wiped his tears form his cheeks. "Hey. I'm your Uncle Xavier. What's your name?" Xavier asked softly. JJ sniffed and looked at me expectantly. I smiled and nodded to show that Xavier was safe.

"I'm Jyson. But mommy calls me JJ." he answered in a small voice. "Jyson?" Xavier repeated, looking back at me. I shrugged and smiled. "That's Hunter's middle name. It really is his!" Xavier exclaimed. JJ frowned. "Whose Hunter?" he asked. Xavier patted his head and laughed nervously. Then he pulled out his iPhone from his pocket and gave it to JJ. "Here, son. You play on that, mommy and me need to talk." he said as JJ happily took the phone.

Xavier pulled me out of JJ's earshot. "What were you thinking?!" he whisper yelled at me. "Keeping his baby away from him like that?!". I looked back at him defiantly. "I did it for Hunter. He would have freaked out if I'd have told him. He had his whole life ahead of him, he didn't need a baby to tie him down!" I hissed.

"You could have talked to him about it!" "Really? Talk about it? I don't think so -" "Do you know how heart broken he was? While you're there playing Happy Families with another guy and Hunter's kid!"

I felt myself getting angry then. "Why does everyone think I left Hunter for someone else? I didn't!" I snapped. Xavier folded his arms. "Look, back to Jyson, you had no right to keep him away from his dad!"

"I had every right! You don't know what I've been through, having to raise him on my own!" I said almost in tears. "Well, it sure beats having your girlfriend walk out on you and taking your unborn child, doesn't it?" he said tightening his grip on his arms. "You shouldnt have came back, Rain." he said simply."Well I did." I replied, sticking my chin in the air.

"Oh yeah. And hows that working out for you?"

I glared at him and stomped - well, limped- back to JJ, grabbing the phone out of his hands and dropping it on the floor. "Mommy!" he protested. I picked him up and swung him on my hip, heading back out the forest.

Our Little BoyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz