Chapter 14

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Ah... ahhh.. choo!!!

I should've listened to her... to that Wilson woman. I should've changed out of my wet clothes and into something dry right away, but I didn't- something I instantly regretted when the symptoms of what appeared to be a cold began to appear several hours after the accident that occurred earlier this morning. She profusely apologized for what happened but I just ignored her. I'm sure she did that on purpose. Did she plan it ahead of time and for what reason? To win that bet of course, but there was no way I was going to let that happen. Not in this lifetime. Just wait til I get started, she'll wish she never suggested that bet.

I felt another sneeze coming and quickly reached for a tissue, only to find that the box was empty. I glanced down at the trash can beneath my desk to see that it was completely full with crumpled, wrinkled used tissues. My used tissues. I did not realize that I used that much until now. Until when will I stop sneezing??

I pressed the button for the intercom on the phone and ordered someone to bring in a box of tissues right away. ASAP. And in less than a minute, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

It was not much of a surprise when I saw who came in. Wilson. She was the only one who had the audacity to stand up to me, yell at me. Everyone else was too scared that they'll lose their precious jobs to do anything like that.

"You're sick, huh?" she guessed as she handed the box of tissues to me. "See I told you to change into something dry right away, didn't I? But nooo you had to be stubborn and pig-headed and not listen to me."

"No, I'm no- achoo!" A sneeze interrupted me, proving that her guess was right. I ripped open the box, pulled out a tissue and blew my nose in it.

She waited until I was done before speaking again. "Liar liar pants on fire. Didn't your mommy ever tell you that lying is bad?" she asked, purposely squeaking her voice as if she was scolding a kid.

"Is there something wrong with your voice? You're talking funny. Looks more like you're the sick one here," I retorted.

"Should've guessed someone like you would be as mannerless like this," she muttered underneath her breath.

"What did you say? Someone like me? And what's wrong with someone as rich and hot as me? Don't forget I'm quite sexy too." I joked.

"You just made a joke.. you must be really sick. Do you have a fever?" Before I could react, she leaned over the desk and I felt her cold palm pressed against my forehead.

"What do you think you're doing!?!" I exclaimed in outrage as I pushed her hand away. "No one touches me. No one. Who exactly do you think you are?"

"I was just looking out for you since this was my fault."

"Do you know what would help me?" I asked. "If you left this office. This company. And my apartment. That would be perfect," I glared.

"In your dreams. Not gonna happen, buddy," she smirked, making me even angrier.

"Get out."

For a second I was afraid that she would object, but she didn't. She turned around and left without another word.


The sneezes were just the start. It was just the calm before the storm.  At 4:30 pm, an hour later, my nose became clogged. No matter how much I blew it, it wouldn't unclog. At 5, I felt like my body was on fire which was ironic because earlier Wilson was just saying 'liar liar pants on fire'. Although my pants weren't on fire, my body felt like it was. Then 30 minutes later my throat was sore and as scratchy as sandpaper.

Unable to take it anymore, I decided to go home and get some rest. I took the elevator down to the underground parking and got into my black Porsche.

On the way home, I kept sneezing and coughing. It was a continuous cycle. Sneeze then a few coughs. Then came another sneeze. It was hell.

It had been a long time since I got sick and I had almost forgotten how miserable it felt when you were sick. Something I would gladly forget forever if I had a choice.

The moment I saw the familiar apartment complex appear in the distance, I felt happy. I've never felt so happy to go home before. It made me feel a tiny bit better. Just a tiny bit.

I parked my car in an empty spot and got out. The sneezes and coughs followed me as I walked toward the entrance. Achoo! I nodded my head at the security standing at the entrance as a greeting before going inside.

I arrived on the 7th floor with ease and as I walked to my apartment I began to feel feverish and light headed. I pressed my temple to hopefully stop the pounding pain in my head but it was no use. I was surprised to feel that my face was burning hot. When did that happen? Was it like this ever since I began to feel on fire? How long have I been like this? My steps slowed down and I began to stagger. I leaned against the wall as I moved forward. 704....711..714...

I managed to reach the door that read 715, my apartment and stuck the key in the lock. I unlocked the door and turned the door knob but before I could step inside, everything turned dark.

"Christian!" I heard someone call out to me.

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