Chapter Eleven

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I'd always wondered if guys had as much trouble deciding what to wear as us girls did when they went on a "casual outing". It's not a date, but it's an opportunity to impress.

I dressed in (after a lot of careful consideration and several consultations from Marnie) a light blue tee and a nicer pair of comfy athletic pants that would be warm and provide "freedom of movement" as Marnie put it. Steve had put his seal of approval on the outfit too, and both were standing by the door, waiting for Will to pick me up as I tried to relax.

At the knock, both Marnie and Steve sprang forward to answer the door. "Hello, Will!" Marnie greeted him.

"Hello Mrs. Martin, it's very nice to see you again. You must be Mr. Martin. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Mr.? Mrs.? Pleasure? Who was this and what had he done with Will Williams? He was always courteous to Marnie (and has charmed her to the point where she already loved him), but I hadn't expected all the stops with Steve.

"Yes, nice to meet you. I hear you're taking my daughter paint balling?"

"Yes sir. With a couple of my friends."

"This is a legit range?"

"Yes sir. Fargo Fields."

Good choice of venue. That was where Steve had always taken Cory and Bryan.

"Hmm..." Steve gave Will a once-over and said, "Have her home by nine."

"Yes sir. See you both then."

"Bye, you two! Have fun!" Marnie called enthusiastically.

"Thanks," I said, giving her a hug.

"Remember what I taught you," Steve said when I gave him a hug goodbye. I blushed.

"I don't think I'll need it, but I'll remember."

"You never know."

With that last remark, I gave a last smile and wave before Will took my hand and led me out to the truck. He opened the door for me like always, and I got in.

Soon, we were pulling onto the highway toward Fargo Fields.


"Got all that?" Our instructor, Harry, asked Hailey. He'd just gone over how to shoot and using the scope for sniping.

"I think so." The nerves showed in her posture, which was strung tight, but her entire face radiated excitement.

"Great. These guys know what they're doing, so whoever your partner is can help once you get on the field."

"Thanks." Hailey smiled at him.

"No problem. You guys ready?" Harry asked us.

"Yeah, open her up. Hailey, you're with me. We've got the south side and Blake and Jordan are taking the north."

"Okay," she said, sounding hesitant.

"You'll be fine. It's for fun, right?"

She smiled - the one that made my heart stop. "Right."

And with that, we were off.


Hailey and I set up camp by the flag. Neither of us guarded. Instead, we were taking a more silent approach. I spotted Blake scouting our area, but he was too far out of range to get a good shot from our position. I had a feeling he wouldn't go for gold. Hell, knowing me, he was probably expecting a trap.

A minute later, I saw him disappear back into the woods. "That's our cue. Come on." I beckoned Hailey to follow me, and we made our way into enemy territory. Silently treading along the forest floor, I spotted Blake again, watching our flag under the tree cover. No doubt he wanted to see if one of us would appear over there. I holstered my paint gun and pulled the trigger, peppering him in paint. Pop, pop, pop. Those were the sweetest sounds. "You go ahead and see if you can get the flag. You're smaller. Take Jordan down if you have to."

Hailey saluted and stole off into the darkness.


Ok, um, wow! I just logged on and saw 28 READS!!! Amazing! So, even though we didn't reach the comments, I'm posting this next chapter.

More goals, though! 35 reads and 10 comments again. I want, like, one comment before I'll post again. Discussion: will next chapter be the time that Will and Hailey finally kiss? You'll have to comment to find out! Thank you guys so much for reading - I really really hope you're enjoying it. I am ALWAYS open to feedback and honestly, I'd love to hear some.

Until next time . . . Vote, comment, and/or share!

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