{Chapter} 30

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{Chapter 30}

“Yep. That’s them” Toni lowered the canvas back over the three dead bodies in the back of her wagon. “Those were the other two that Mark left behind. Can’t believe Downs was working with ‘em.”

Wade sighed. “Sure is sad how all this turned out. How’s Erik?”

Toni looked back at her shack. “He’s slept all night. The doc’s checkin’ on him now.”

“Not a peep outta him? Nothing?” Wade asked.

“Not a single thing. I know this because I didn’t sleep but a few minutes off and on last night,” Toni admitted, though she wasn’t about to tell him that she had slept beside him so she would feel every move he made. “I’m gonna go back inside to check on him. Who’s taking these bodies into town?”

“Reckon I will, even if I don’t necessarily want to see that sheriff” Wade mumbled.

Toni could say something to him in agreement, but she was determined to treat people better, even if they didn’t deserve it.

“Be careful. Maybe he’ll be awake when you come back” Toni sighed.

She went inside just as the doctor was coming out of the room.

“Doc? What’s the verdict?” she rushed to his side.

“He’s awake” Doc grinned.

Toni could have squealed. “Really? Is he okay?”

“He’ll be a long time recovering, but I think he’ll be just fine” Doc smiled.

Toni let out a breath she hadn’t realized she had been holding in. “Thank God. Can I see him?”

“Yes, but don’t over do it. He needs his rest” Doc said, taking up his bag and exiting the room.

Toni breathed deeply and sent up a brief prayer of thanks to God before going into the next room. Erik laid there, his eyes closed and his stomach wrapped in clean bandages. She gave him a look, knowing that he was pretending to be asleep. That was okay, she’d just let him play his little game. She walked to the window and turned her back to him. She could feel his eyes on her back but resisted the urge to turn around and see those unnaturally dark green eyes.

“To answer your question” she smiled when she heard Erik’s voice. “It’s the kind of love that a Christian man has for his woman.”

She gripped the window frame to keep from turning around. “I thought you were sleeping,” she said, grinning.

“I woke up” Erik said weakly.

She gave into herself and turned around. He was a sight for her eyes. Though his face was still etched with pain, she was just happy that he was awake.

“How are you?” she asked, sitting on the bed beside him.

“I‘ve felt better.” Erik mumbled.

Toni rubbed his arm. “That’s to be expected” she looked into his eyes. “I missed you.”

Erik smiled. “I missed you, too. Who else was hurt?”

When she didn’t answer right away, his face began to get worried. “Toni?”

“B-Ben got hit” Toni said in a low voice, tears stinging behind her eyes.

“Is he okay?” Erik asked.

Toni nodded. “Forevermore.”

Erik got her meaning and groaned. “Not Ben.”

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