43. Because I love you

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I stand in front of my locker, putting my books in. The whole day has been awful, I forgot most of my books at home, because Hunter used so goddamn long time to get out of bed, and it stressed me out. We got late for school. And it's been raining the whole day, so now I am soaked after soccer practice and I am freezing my ass off, and I am blaming Hunter and September. My whole body is shaking, and I can't change before I get home, because all of my clothes are wet. I am wearing my practice clothes right now, T-shirt and shorts, completely soaked. I smack the locker close, and lean my head on it and sigh. Thank god, I can go home as soon Hunt shows up, I am going to kick her ass when she does, and thank god, it is Friday. Then I feel an arm around my stomach.

"I'm sorry." I hear Hunt whisper.

"I am cold and wet." I tell her upset, and she kiss my shoulder.

"I know. That is why I bought you this." She reaches out her other hand with a cup.

"I know you love warm chocolate." She says, and I can't but turns around and smile to her. Then I kiss her cheek and take the cup in both hands, feeling the warmth on my skin. Hunt has the cute embarrassed smile on her face. I taste the warm chocolate, and feel it go through my body.

"I am really sorry about the morning." She says with apologetic eyes, making me surrender as always.

"Goddammit Hunter, I am supposed to be angry at you." I say irritated. She bites her inner cheeks.

"I'm sorry." She says again so softly, that it made my heart ache. I put my arms around her neck, she is so warm.

"You are still going to sleep on the floor tonight." I joke, and kiss her temple.

"As long I can sleep in the same room with you I guess I'll be fine." She says sadly. I hold her tighter.

"No, goddammit Hunter. You need to stop feeling bad, I was just kidding." I tell her, she can be very vulnerable sometimes.

"Okay." She answer, but it is not convincing.

"Hunter, its fine." I promise her.

"No, it's not. You are freaking cold." She chuckles and I laugh. I let her go and see a beautiful smile on her face. She put her bag on the floor and take off her jacket.

"No, Hunt" I argue. She shakes her head.

"I am not letting you go without one." She says, handing it over to me, and take the cup out of my hand.

"Fine." I sigh, but can't keep the smile on my face away as I take it on, the smell of her lingers on it. I think I should use her cloths more often, she smells so good. She reaches me the cup again, I take it into my cold, shaking hands. Hunt takes both of our bags and we start walking out to the car. Goddammit, why does she have to be so cute and gentle? That is why you love her, stupid head.

I park the car in the driveway, behind dad's car as always.

"I am going to take a warm shower when I get in." I tell her. Hunter looks at me with a smile.

"Okay." She answer and I look at her amazed.

"You not gonna ask?" She looks at me confused.

"Ask what?" She wonder. I roll my eyes.

"If you want to join." I tell and her eyes widen.

"Oh, I thought I was already invited." She says. Making me burst out in laughter and face palm myself.

"Well, now you are not." I chuckle.

"Okay." She answer with a grin.

"You are teasing me right now." I say annoyed. She nods, with the same smile.

"You are coming with me, right?" I ask confused. She shakes her head.

"You said no." She tells me, grinning. Now she is just trying to annoy me. She steps out into the rain and grab the bags in the back seat, and give me the teasing smile. I walk out of the car and follow her in.

"Hunter." I say, irritated as we get in. She walks through the living room, passing mom and dad who looks confused. I run up the stairs, and into our room.

"Hunter." I take off her jacket, and throw it on her, angry. She catches it and still she has that grin on her face. She sits down on the bed.

"Why do you have to be so annoying sometimes?" I ask upset.

"Because I love you." She answer. I roll my eyes, and shake my head.

"No," I point at her.

"You are not using that as an excuse." She has now managed to ignite all of my flames. I am so angry, cold and soaked, and she is not making anything better.

"Why are you so angry?" She asks. I clench my teeth. To be honest, I do not know why I am so upset with her. I start to scratch my neck of my own frustration; I guess I just have an awful day. She was nice to me, and now she is just kidding with me. I usually do not get this angry, when she teases. I bit my inner cheek.

"I'm sorry." I say, feeling so awful. Hunter looks confused, but moves over to me and take my hands in hers.

"God, you are cold." She sounds worried now. Then she kisses my hands and drag me into the bathroom, she turns the shower on. Then I watch her taking off my wet clothes. First my shirt and bra, her eyes are filled with worry, and I do not know why. Hunt puts her warm hands on my waist, touching my cold skin, and then she kisses my forehead.

"I am going to take a shower with you, because it looks like you are about to pass out." I look at her confused.

"What?" I ask, and she kiss my cheek.

"You are cold as a corpse, but your forehead is on fire." She pulls down the rest of my clothes.

"I'm fine." I say and she takes off her own cloths.

"No, you are grumpy as hell." She chuckles and drag me into the shower. I shrink of the heat on my cold body. Hunt wraps her warm arms around me, I do the same to her, and she starts making circles on my back. It feels so good, that I bury my face in her neck. I close my eyes, almost drifting to sleep on her.

"I'm sorry, for being so angry." I tell her, and then I feel her lips on my shoulder.

"You are not angry, you are ill." She mumbles on my skin. My body is finally warm again, thanks to Hunt.

"No, I'm not." She moves back to look at me.

"Yes, you are, Sky. You can barely keep your eyes open, you are grumpy, and your forehead is warm." She explains. I shake my head, arguing.

"I'm fine." I promise her.

"Then explain me why you can barely stand on your own feet." She raises her eyebrows, as if she knows that I cannot answer it without lying. Okay, fine, I do feel awful, my head is heavy and I am so tired. My legs are weak and I am not sure how long I can stand here with her.

"I thought so." She says, and dry the water away from my face.

"We should get you to bed, before you collapse." I just nod.

I lay down in the soft bed, and Hunter takes the duvet over me. I grab her wrist.

"Stay with me?" I beg. I don't want to be alone.

"I am not sure if I should, we have been up here for a long while. Your parents might start wondering what we do and will come up and check on us." She says and brush the hair away from my face, my head is aching now.

"I am going down and talk to your parents as if everything is okay," she snorts.

"Then I will come back up with a glass of water, okay?" I close my eyes and nod. I will probably fall asleep before she will be back.

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