Chapter 32

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My heart was pumping like a million knots a second. What if I tripped? I’m not sure it was possible underwater but knowing me I’d find a way. What if I miss my line or a shark came? What if it all goes up in flames?  Well maybe not literal, but you never know. I felt a little squeeze at my hand. I turned to see little Dominique and Cringle looking up at me.

“Don’t be nervous, we have everything under control,” she smiled. I just nodded taking in a deep breath. It had been three days since Sebastian and I had decided to finally get married and in that time I wasn’t allowed to have a say in the planning of my wedding. It was apparently the Seven’s gift to me and Sebastian. Everything was very hush hush and not even my biscuits could get a peep out of them. Maybe I should have made a chocolate chip cookies instead…

The door suddenly opened and the remaining six came in, with the biggest smiles on their face. Lena was the last to enter with Mr Dollarnote by her side.

“Ah here is the Princess of the day. My dear, Renaldo is here to make this Temptress into the Countess you was born to be.” Oh so that was his name. He clicked his fingers and one of his assistants came in carrying a monstrosity of white fluff that was to be my dress.

“Aren’t you excited, you’re finally tying the knot!” the twins squealed an octave short from breaking glass. Before I could answer I was pushed behind a screen and literally sewn into the dress. It was short to ensure it didn’t tangle with my tail, which was now getting decked out in various glistening jewels. I was soon dragged to the other side of the room and hair and makeup was underway. It was so fast I hadn’t had a chance to look at the dress. There were no mirrors in the room and Mr Poof was ensuring I kept my head level for the beauty artists.

I was finally released just as Genevieve and Faye came in smiling from ear to ear. I hadn’t really gotten to know Faye very well but she seemed pleasant and more importantly she approved of me and Sebastian.

“Oh Aubrey you look so beautiful, Sebastian definitely won’t be able to resist you. Now about my great great grandchildren I firstly want a… OW! What was that for?” she snapped turning to Faye.

“Oh don’t you start with that. You said the exact same thing to me when Marcus and I got married. I pop out you a pair of great grandchildren,” she snapped back.

“Well I’m still waiting for the rest to pop out,” I smiled crossing her arms smirking at Faye. Back away slowly, you are not getting mixed up in this In-Laws catfish fight.

 I quickly glanced around the room to find Renaldo had left and the seven had deserted me.  The pair squabbled for another minute or so and suddenly turned to me as if nothing had happened. “Oh I almost forgot, here,” she took my hand and wrapped a delicate strand of pearls around my wrist. “Something old,” she smiled. Faye came up to me and handed me a small bouquet of sea flora.

“Something new,” Faye smiled tucking a lose strand behind my ear. I watched Genevieve scout the room, twirling elegantly as she opened a box and clapped her hands before rushing back over to me holding a delicate tiara.

“I think we’ll burrow this from the Seven, they shouldn’t mind,” she chuckled and tucked it firmly into my hair making sure the veil was also position right. They both stepped back for a minute to take me all in. “Simply lovely,” Genevieve sighed.

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