Chapter 7

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Instagram: maryjoones    

NOW FOR THE STORY. I HOPE Y'ALL ARE ENJOYING IT SO FAR! Lol I'm starting to fall in love with Trevor and Nathan, omg ermagerdd I just can't...ugh I just can't deal.

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Chapter. 7   

N A T H A N  

It was one of those weeks where it went by really fast, but also really agonizingly slow at the same time. It was a regular, average week -- go to school, talk to people, go to class, do work, eat lunch, talk to people even more...go to class....

Ugh. It's just a whole cycle of the same shit. At least it's Friday today -- the night of the party, and also our big game against St. Berlock.

You see, every highschool has a rival school -- sort of like an enemy, or a competitive school. St. Berlock -- this top Private School on the other side of town, is our legitimate enemy. We hate them. They hate us. Things never end well when it comes to our schools facing each other.

The Berlock football team is really good, I can't deny that. That's obviously one of the reasons why we hate them. They have even kicked our asses pretty good a few times, especially last year. This really pissed Trevor off the most, considering how he literally takes football as a religion instead of a sport.

So, tonight is our second big game against them this season. Although, tonight's a bit more pressuring because there's also going to be a huge pep rally and shit before. We cannot lose this game. We beat them last game, but just barely and it was because the St. Berlock quarterback, Don Truver, wasn't able to play because of a broken arm.

"We can't lose tonight, Nate," Trevor said, shaking his head as he laid on my bed, his eyebrows furrowed.

"I know, and we won't okay?" I smacked his hard stomach, trying to assure him. "Do you see how the entire team is raging like this? Fuck, Brock and David are gonna go ham."

Trevor chuckled. "I know, shit. As soon as school ended, Brock bolted out of class looking like he was ready to slaughter the whole town."

He was right, too. Brock is your typical meaty, hot-headed football jock who doesn't take shit from anybody. When he's ready to go, he's ready to go. And damn, today he is ready to go.

"I fucking hate the Berlocks," Trevor snapped. "They're so fucking...I can't even find a word to describe what they are!"

"They're poo eaters," I threw in, smirking. Trevor rolled his eyes before looking up at me.

"Fairy," he muttered, nudging my leg with his. I narrowed my eyes at him, and looked around to find something to whip at his face.

"Don't you fucking dare," he barked when I picked up a remote. I laughed. Oh yeah. I lifted up the remote threateningly, and Trevor flinched, trying to cover his face.

"NATHAN," he snapped. "I will end your life!"

I snorted loudly. "Still think I'm a fairy, you fucktard?"



"OW JESUS CHRIST!" Trevor shouted after the remote whipped him in the head and fell to the floor. I was sitting there crying in hysterics as I tilted my head back in laughter while my best bud laid there in pain. This was just too funny.

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