I Changed Him?

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I wake up before Axel does which never happens but given the long few days that he has been put through, it doesn't surprise me that I'm the first up.  As much as I could sit and watch his beautiful face all day I decide to get ready. Once I get dressed, I quietly turn on the TV.

"Breaking News: Queen Carter Has Returned! Late last night, we got report that the Queen Luna has returned home. We go live outside the castle now."

They switch screens to another reporter. They are standing outside the castle. But little do they know that we aren't inside. I kind of enjoy having this little secret. It's nice having privacy. 

"We got report from the royal guard that the Princess has returned. They didn't give much information except that she returned safely late last night with her brother. And as you all expect, the first thing she did was run into the loving arms of her mate. I'm RJ Newbore, WWN. Back to you," he says and they switch back to the first news anchor.

"And we will keep you updated through out the day." she says and goes on about the days news. I shut off the TV, but not before flipping through the channels. All of them playing something about me.

I take a deep breath and listen to deep breaths of my mate. I turn and glance at him, he looks so peaceful. I put on a pair of shoes and walk down to the kitchen. I watch half way down the hall then realize that I have never been out of Axel room besides to go to his office or to the kitchen. 

I just keep on walking, noticing stuff as I go. There are so many different spaces in this house, and as I've said before, it's very easy to get lost. That's how I find myself in a random room. It's huge, and really bright. I'm a big fan of natural light. It seems this big open room connects to a bedroom.

"You must be Carter." A voice says. I whip around and see a women. She looks just like Axel. This has to be his mother, there is no other explanation for such facial sympatry between the two of them.

"I am. Sorry, is this your room? I got lost."

She chuckles. She sounds just like Axel, "No need to apologize."

"Oh, okay..." I say not know what to say next.

"I'm Alice. Axel's mom." She says.

"It's an honor to meet you." I say. I hold out my hand. But she pulls me into a hug.

"I've been waiting for you. You have changed Axel." She whispers in my ear as we embrace. I'm ristant to hug her back, afraid that I would crush her frail bones. But I do and don't regret a thing. The hug is warm and welcoming, much like her son. 

"I didn't mean too-" I begin to worry about her statement. She pulls back, her arms around my upper arms. 

"In a good way. You changed him in a good way." She reassures me with a smile.

"Oh, thank you?" I say with a shy smile. 

She smiles at me. A maid comes in, "Olivia, can we get some food in here. And make sure to inform my son where I took his mate when he wakes up." She says, power flooding her voice.

"Yes, ma'ma." Olivia says, bows, and leaves the room.

"Please follow me," She says and starts walking towards her bed. At first glance, I thought she just had large window plains to look out at the garden but upon closer inspection I realize they are glass doors lead out. I follow her. 

She takes me into the greenhouse attached to her bedroom and leads me to a little sitting area. She motions for me to sit in the chair to her left. Once I'm seated, she follows shortly after sitting in the chair across from me. "Tell me everything." She says like she is my best friend.

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