Chapter 8. Midnight Kiss.

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**Thanks for rereading or reading for the first time! For you second time readers I have a new character for Mark this time!! Of course I still have a totally different Mark in my head, but hey whatever! So enjoy and please leave your comments and votes becuase both are very appreciated :) Check out the link :) It's a really funny site of what not to do in a horror movie :)

I awoke suddenly. The room was black. No scratch that the room was non existant, at least that’s how it seemed in the suffocating dark. I couldn't figure out why I had awaken so suddenly. Had Jace called me? Then it happened again, the thing that had woke me. A cool breeze blew across my cheek. Not a breeze from a wind, no a breeze from a person. Someone was blowing across my face.

I fought the urge to call out and ask who it was. I remembered a site I'd read one time. When you asked who was there, you would die. Again they blew on my face. I shuddered and goosebumps ran across my arms. The person laughed.

“Jace,” I cried, my voice wouldn’t raise above a whisper. The voice laughed again. A finger ran down the side of my face. It followed the line of my jaw to my chin. Two fingers ran across my lips. I was to scared to move. A tear was wiped from my cheek. I didn’t realize I was crying.

“Don’t cry. Soon you’ll be mine and everything will be better.” Mark’s dark demonic voice whispered in my ear. "I'll be so much better for you than him."

“No,” I choked, through my tears. Mark pushed the hair that had fallen over my face behind my ear. I could sense how close he was, but I couldn’t see him.

“Don’t fight it, Izzy. It will be better for both of us if you just cooperate.” He sighed. "You'll relize that there's things I can do for you that he could never dream of."

“No,” I snapped. He laughed, a creepy laugh. I heard the door open and close again. I sighed in relief and hung my head. My body was still on edge. Then he was there again, right in front of me. I could see him, centimeters from my face.

“Never trust your mind. Listen to your body.” He smashed his lips on mine. I couldn’t fight or screamed. I had to sit through it. His breath was hot and rank. His lips were cracked. His stubble scratched my face. He put his hand under my shirt. I gasped. I felt his lips pull into a smile.

“Mark, where are you?” I heard Derek shouted. Mark sighed in annoyace and pulled away. The door opened and closed again. I sat in suspense, fearing he really didn’t leave. After twenty minutes of sitting in silence I was certain enough that he was gone to speak again.

“Jace,” I cried. My voice cracked. He didn’t hear me. I tried to speak again, but my throat felt like it was being squeezed by an invisible hand. . I pulled my knees up to my chest and laid my head on them. My arms strained from the uncomfortable position. I sat and cried.

I cried until a single ray of light shone through the window. It was Wednesday morning. Jace was leaning against the pole he was tied to, alseep.

“Jace,” I begged. I needed him to wake up. All I wanted was for him to hold me, to kiss me. I wanted him to wipe last night from my mind. He didn’t wake up.

“Jace,” I said, a little louder. Still nothing.

“Jace,” I shouted. He shook his head, startled.

“What?” He asked, annoyed. I must have looked as bad as I felt by the look on his face.

“What happened?” He demanded. Tears escaped my eyes. “Izzy, what happened?”

I recounted what happened last night. Jace’s face grew dark and angry. “I’m going to kill him, I’m going to kill him!” He shouted loudly.

“Shh,” I begged him. I didn’t want them to hear us. Steps sounded up the stairs. The door opened and Mark came strutting in. Derek followed behind. Derek untied Jace. He held his hands behind his back while Mark untied me. I shivered as Mark’s fingers brushed against my skin. He laughed. He looked up at Jace and smirked. He ran his lips across my collarbone. Then he was gone.

Derek and I stood looking at each other in shook as I tried to figure out where Mark and Jace had gone. I turned to the stairs and spotted Mark and Jace rolling down the stairs, Jace gripping Mark. Mark groaned as they hit the ground. Jake and Mr. Newman shouted in shock. I quickly ran down the stairs. Derek followed behind me, but made no attempt  to stop me. Jace and Mark rolled around on the floor kicking and punching at each other.

“Stop it, Mark.” Mr. Newman said. He sound bored and made no effort to stop them. Jace kneed Mark where it hurt. Mark fell off of him gasping.

Jace jumped up. I grabbed his arm before he could kill Mark and get himself killed. “If you ever touch her again I will kill you!" I pulled Jace to me and he wrapped his arms around me.

“Mark, will you stop thinking with your dick for once? I told you to leave her alone. So leave her alone,” Mr. Newman ordered. He ran his hands through his hair. He glared at me. “You’re causing me a lot of trouble you know that?”

“Me?” I shrieked. I wasn’t going to play victim. Jace's hands held me back  as I screamed at Mr. Newman. “That’s what you get for kidnapping us! You can’t blame us for fighting back! You are nothing more than a self-centered, jealous, greedy, son of a bitch, kidnapping bastard!” My father would probably kill me if he heard me talk like that, but I didn’t care.

Mr. Newman ran his hand through his hair then turned to leave. I smiled smugly at his back. He turned then and slapped me across the face so hard I fell back into Jace.

“You think I’m a bastard now girl? Just you wait, just you wait.” He hissed. He turned and left the factory. Derek and Jake stared, confused, at Jace and I. I didn’t want to find out what Mr. Newman meant.

Please, dad, please pay. I begged silently.

Derek and Jake moved to take us back upstairs, but Mark stopped them. He grinned at me and Jace. I held onto Jace's arm as tight as I could.

"You better watch her Jace, because one day Boss isn't going to be here to stop me. Do you understand?" Mark hissed. Jace reached out and punched him. His nose made a loud, sickening, crunch.

"Damn it!" Mark screamed. Jake and Derek took us away quickly to avoid the wrath of Mark.

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