Chapter Fifteen

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A/N: Okay lovely readers, let's just make something clear. We're 16 chapters into the story and some of ya'll still don't know that Liam Luciano is one person. Uno person. O-N-E Dude. So... to clear the confusion. Liam Luciano is one man. I use 'Liam' and 'Luciano' when mentioning him because seriously...I find that last name sexy.

Melanie Luciano (Peters) - is Liam's stepmother and Michael's wife.
Michael Luciano - is Liam's biological father. He is also a douche.
Rosalie (Rosie) Peters - is Liam's stepsister and Melanie's daughter.
William Preston (Yes, that is indeed his last name for the story that I have failed to mention yet) - is Liam's 'best friend' whom is currently possibly...maybe...working with Michael.

Okay? Okay.

p.s. I was rushing to publish this so...beware of any spelling errors!

Oh and p.p.s. Credit goes to the maker of the cover on the top. I know who you are if I see your username again! But...I forgot it. So credit to you boo, I appreciate it!

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"You hit like a bitch." His response to my cold-hearted slap threw me off, completely. I was expecting violence, I had even braced for a physically violent encounter - but it had never come. Liam had clenched his jaw tight and gathered his hands in the form of a fist, but he never hit me. He never even flinched in my direction. I remember him turning, shaking his head as he brought his hands up to his face in clear frustration. I even remember hearing him mutter a few words with an uptight emotion - words I didn't understand, considering they were foreign. Since then, he hasn't spoken a word.

Dinner was the epitome of awkward as we all sauntered back into the dining room, our plates towering with steaming macaroni and cheese, peas, and crisply warmed dinner rolls. A salad dressed with tomatoes, cucumbers, cheese, toppled with Italian salad dressing finished off the wonderful meal. I sigh in a form of content as my hand wraps around my silverware, a fork full of lettuce halfway to my mouth. Melanie clears her throat loudly, allowing me time to look up and around the table.

I couldn't help but notice Melanie lifting up her hand, linking it with William as he took her hand in his. Like the wave is attempted at sport games, Will lifted his opposite hand out towards Michael, who took it hesitantly in his own. Next came Rosie, who gathered her step-fathers hand in hers, then she stopped. Liam had his hand extended towards her, but I could see the tension in between them both. Rosalie shot Luciano daggers as she lifted her hand - as if it had a weight in it - and dropped it in Liam's, neither of them clutching each other's - simply touching.

And that's when it came my turn.

My palms were sweating at the realization of what I was currently about to do. All eyes were on me as Liam clears his throat loudly, his left hand dangling at his side. I let my hand slide off my lap, and slowly reach for his own. The minute our skin touched, I felt Liam jerk his hand away - the move might have been minuscule, but I couldn't help but notice it.

"You aren't going to slap me with that hand, are you?" His voice came out soft, yet harshly. I lift my attention to his face, expecting a slight smile or even a smirk; I was wrong. I was met with lips pursed in a straight line, while his eyes bore into my forehead unforgivingly. I swallow slowly and shake my head almost unnoticeably. He gives a curt nod of understanding before wasting no time.

My hand disappears in his own, in an uncomfortable manner. Yet, I couldn't help but notice the fact that his palms were sweaty to. Mel smiles softly in our direction as she snags our hands together. I watch as the family bows their heads in unison, Melanie's lips moving in a prayer of thanks for the food.

Luciano | Book I ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें