Chapter 11

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Sadie's POV

"It's Sadie, not Sandie," I corrected.

Sandie. Sadie. Sandie. Sadie. What's the problem here people? How hard is it to remember the one letter difference?? I had this feeling that this wasn't the first time I had to correct my name. I tried to remember, but my head started to hurt again. I winced in pain.

"Sadie, are you okay?" Carla asked worriedly.

"I'm fine," I assured.

"Did your head start hurting again?" she asked.

"Yeah I was trying to remember something and it started to hurt," I admitted.

"I thought I told you not to do that. It only caused you pain. Maybe it's fate for you to forget those memories," Carla said.

"I know I know. You always say that. But I really want to remember," I confessed. "The curiosity is killing me!"

"What are you ladies talking about?" Adam asked.

I almost forgot that he was here. And now he just heard everything. Great. I didn't like people knowing about my memory loss which is why only Carla and my mom knew about it.

"Nothing you need to know," I said. "It's none of your business."

I thought that would make him stop asking but he started to bug Carla about it. And I knew she was weak to guys. Especially hot guys. I glared at Carla. But she was too busy blushing to notice. Adam was flashing her smiles and complimenting her. Who wouldn't blush?

"Soo.. Carla.. will you tell me?" he asked. I watched in horror as Carla nodded as if she was in a trance.

"So like Sadie here got in a car accident and she had a concussion so she lost her memories. Not all of them, just some of them. The doctor told her that they don't know if they'll come back. Or when they will come back. The end," Carla blurted. She looked at me apologetically.

After Carla spilled the beans, we finished our food in silence. After Adam paid the bill (I did tell him I could pay it myself but he just wouldn't listen), we left the restaurant and started to walk back. We were crossing the street when my head started hurting again. I stopped in my tracks and held my head in pain.


That voice.. it sounded so familiar...


I was running away. I couldn't tell who I was running away from, but I knew that I needed to get away. I kept on running. My eyes were filled with tears. And then bam!

I woke up with a start. I was in the hospital. I recognized the white walls. White floors. White blankets. When did I get here? How long have I been here? I looked around for a clock or a calendar. Something to show me how much time passed. I silently prayed that I haven't been asleep for a week like last time.

The door opened and Adam and Carla came in. They looked worried, but a smile formed on their face when they saw that I was awake.

"Let me get the doctor!" Carla exclaimed and ran back outside. Adam took a seat next to the bed and asked if I was okay.

"What happened?" I asked him. "How long have I been here?"

"Calm down. You fainted when we were walking back to work so we brought you here. You only been asleep for about 1 hour?" he confirmed after checking his watch.

"Oh that's good. I was worried," I said.

We sat there awkwardly until Carla came back with the doctor.

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