Meet Johnny

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I looked from Ash to Jace in shock. Ash was grinning at me with his arms crossed. "I can't believe you fell for that." He teased.

My eyes widened. "You were joking?!"

Jace snorted.

"Please." Ash answered. "Did you really think he could beat me in a fight?"

Jace scoffed. "Don't put yourself in a hole." He threatened.

I smiled at them both.

"What are you so happy about? Aren't you mad we pranked you?" Jace asked confused.

I grinned. "Nope. I'm happy because you two are getting along. I couldn't be angry right now if I tried." I said. My smile was so wide, it hurt

Ash sighed. "You're so weird." He turned to Jace. "Get us some shoes. I wanna play."

Jace raised his eyebrows at my best friend. "You're kidding me right?"

I slapped Ash's stomach. "Manners." I hissed. Ash sighed and approached the counter. "Can I get a size eight in woman's and a size eleven in men's?" He asked.

"Good to know he knows your shoe size." Jace muttered turning to look for the shoes.

"Jealous much?" Ash asked.

Jace placed the shoes in front of us. "Aisle ten is open."

"What happened to your job at the pizza place?" I asked Jace.

He shrugged. "I guess I like shoes more than pizza."

I smirked. "You got fired didn't you?" I teased.

He snorted. "Maybe."

I shook my head and slid onto the counter then turned so that my feet were on the inside. I dangled my feet and looked at Jace expectantly.

He rolled his eyes and took off my sneakers switching them with the bowling shoes.

"Wow. I feel like Cinderella." I joked.

He stood up and wrapped his arms around me making space for himself in between my legs.

"How about you come pick me up later and take me on a date?" He suggested.

I gave him an incredulous look. "Seriously?"

His eyes widened. "Yes I'm serious. What? Am I supposed to do all the work?" He asked. "Plus, you haven't drove that Mustang Sulkin left you."

I smiled. "Jace, would you like to go on a date with me?" I asked.

He placed his hands on his chest in mock surprise. "What a surprise. Why, of course I would." He responded in a high pitched voice.

I rolled my eyes.

He slid his arms around my neck and pulled me down to meet his lips.

"Excuse me?" A voice interrupted.

Jace pulled away annoyed. "Excuse me?" He mocked. "You see us busy right?" He asked looking at the guy at the counter.

"I don't think hooking up is part of your contract." The guy retorted.

"What are you implying?" I asked glaring at him. Jace touched my hand.

"I'll take care of this." He muttered.

"Do you always go around insulting sick people?" Jace asked. "Are you implying that my girlfriend is a whore?"

The guy look taken aback. "I-"

"This could be her last day and that's how you want her to go? Thinking about some loser who can't mind his business? I'm trying to give her the best last days of her life and I'm not gonna waste any time, so if you want those shoes you're gonna have to wait a minute." He said coldly.

The guy finally looked at me. "I-I'm sorry." He apologized before quickly walking to a different counter.

I gave Jace a patronizing look. "Oh come on, that wasn't nice."

He shrugged. "Anything for you." He responded kissing me again.

After beating Ash twice, then losing to Bridge, we headed home. I said goodbye to them, before going back inside. Ash promised to be back for my birthday.

Sticking to my word, I joined Bryson in his room to work on choreography. Bryson, though he was shy was a really cool kid.

His room was huge. Big enough for a dance floor which I guessed Bailey had installed. It was a sparkling silver, complete with a disco ball and lights.

He sat his video camera on its stand and used the timer to record our videos.

We recorded two music videos which was harder than I thought it was. We had a lot  of fun though.

Bryson called down for someone to bring us ice cream and we sprawled on the floor eating through tubs of ice cream and screaming and rolling around in pain when we got a brain freeze.

Quintin came in some time later to tell me that it was time to get Jace. I jumped up. I'd almost forgotten our date.

I gave Bryson a quick hug. "Same time tomorrow?" I asked. He nodded grinning.

"Cool." I replied. I thanked Quintin then hurried to my room to change. I put on black skinny jeans and a shiny blouse. Then brushed my hair into a high ponytail.

I slipped on my high heel boots then grabbed my keys and went downstairs.

"Hey Diego." I said. He was in the living room speaking to someone. I couldn't see their face but when they turned I gasped.

"Oh my goodness." I said, my face breaking into a grin. It was Johnny Depp.

He smiled at me and stood. "Hi, I'm Johnny." He said introducing himself.

"I know." I practically squealed."I'm Dakota." I said unable to contain my smile. "Can we take a picture?" I asked excitedly.

He chuckled. "Of course." He handed Diego his phone. "Do you mind?"

My eyes widened. Johnny Depp wanted a picture of me on his phone. I handed Diego my phone as well.

After taking the pictures, we sat and talked or a little bit. I was putting this one in the books. I actually held a conversation with Johnny Depp.

A few minutes later, I excused myself and pulled Diego aside.

"Do you know a good place I can take Jace for a date?" I asked him.

He smiled. "Jace loves buffets. There's a great one near the beach, and the boardwalk is nice. Here." He wrote down the address. "Just put it in the GPS." He suggested.

I gave him a hug. "Thanks." I went out the kitchen door since my car was still in the garage.

When I made it back to the bowling alley, Jace was waiting impatiently outside.

"You're late." He grumbled. I rolled my eyes and got out opening the door for him.

He smirked. "Thanks."

I laughed and got back on the drivers side.

"Where are we going?" He asked me.

"If I told you, I'd have to kill you."

Surviving the Aces (#Wattys2018)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora