+ chapter twenty-eight +

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Project X

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© 2015 Luna Black


The nights that a guilty conscience could withstand were zero to none. They were filled with a sleepless and overworked mind. The line between reality and fantasy were wickedly distorted and what once was a figment of one's imagination became one's greatest fear.

The shadows lurking in the night were no longer casted by light; they were now formed by the fatigued eyesight. Lack of sleep for ten nights was not healthy, not even for the strongest Xrion – and it was shattering every bit of aspect of reality he had left.

Everyone watched helplessly as their leader slowly succumbed to his dismay and although they wanted to help him find his strength, they were mourning alongside him.

Although his mind tormented him day and night, it didn't stop Xander from carrying out his duty as General. He attended meetings that the President called forth and even managed to gain the Xrions' citizenship in the United States.

However, no one dared to step in American soil for they were too busy with their problems in the island. Omari Maliqa was the new leader of the Griods and she thankfully felt the need to end the fifty-year long feud between the Xrions and Griods.

Both parties explained their sides of the story and after four long hours of sitting in a room full of tensed atmosphere, they were able to conclude their treaties.

Omari saw no need for a bloody war and although she had been appointed by Rhys as second-in-command, she did not agree with the fallen Queen's point of view. Omari was young, but she was not naïve; she had been chosen as second for a reason.

She would be a great leader and finally bring Griod out of their hateful era. In some aspects, she reminded Xander of Corah and it pained him greatly. She was well spoken and carried herself with a demand for respect and authority.

The Queen was also very beautiful. Her long silver hair cascaded over her shoulders adorned with intricate gemstones. Her voice was also very soft, almost sleep induced, but it made her a great speaker for everyone would be silent in order to listen to her.

After Xander spoke with her for the first time, he swore she was Corah incarnate, but she was two years younger than her and a bit more passionate about things. It was as if she had a fuming fire within her that pushed her to want to do hundreds of things at once.

And despite being a Griod, she had earned Xander's respect.

"General," A soldier nodded his head in respect as Xander exited the community hall.

He nodded in response, his blue eyes no longer shining with life. The dark bags underneath his eyes seemed to be smudged unto his face with war paint and it aged him, giving him a couple more years than he really was.

Xander could teleport to the XISC if he really wanted to, but the fresh breeze of the island was comforting. It filled him with an inexplicable sense of tranquillity and for a couple of seconds nature was the only thing that occupied his perturbed mind.

As the wind picked up a bit of speed, he tightened his hold on the envelope in his hand; it contained important information. He had finally gotten the President to write out exactly what rights the Xrions had.

After the bloody battle between them and the Griods, the humans began to respect the Aliens. They could have left Earth as soon as the Griods entered, but they stayed and protected them. If they hadn't, no one knew what the Griods were capable of doing to Earth.

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