Chapter 35

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*Thank you guys so much for 20k reads! I appreciate you guys so much!*

Nila's POV

Right now I wouldn't think I would be in this position EVER. Cody is staring at me passionately and I'm doing the same. He leans down back to my face and purrs against my cheek. He is like a big puppy. I feel the warmth from my face vanish and I am honestly a bit upset.

"I know you're not ready to baby, I could tell you were a bit shaky while on top", an entire mixed emotions of embarrassment, and hurt hit me. I didn't know what to say.

"I'm so sorry I-"

"Why are you apologizing...?", the smile on Cody's face was still prominent. "We'll do it when YOU want to, but...if you want to feel equivalent pleasure to THAT I could mark you".

A wash of relief came over me and the tension in my body left. "Wait you mean like in the stories! The stories make it sound painful", I pout. Cody holds my hands and gives them both a quick kiss before reassuring me.

"It hurts for a couple of seconds but you should feel pure bliss in the end", I smile at him and give him a quick nod. I feel a slight breeze under my shirt. "I'm sorry, I'll ask first-", there was no need to cause I was already removing it.

I don't know why, but I was feeling weirdly comfortable around Cody. It's probably because of our mate bond. I felt every last breath become relaxed. My hands snaked around his neck which led to us being closer. "I wanna be yours", I let out breathlessly. At that statement, his eyes changed. In one swift motion, sharp fangs were plunged into my neck. I could feel the tissue of my skin sink in with a hardcore fiery sensation.

It took everything in me not to push away and I let out small cries of pain. The pain was too much and I moved my hands but Cody had other plans and pinned them down. I felt him interlock our fingers. I felt much calmer, in that second I felt a sensual satisfaction.

"C-Cody", I couldn't help but moan out his name. His grip on my hands tightened. I felt so good in every part of my body. My panting was increasing and so was our heat. A couple of seconds later his teeth release. Our passionate heat slowly recedes, but my head gets a little fuzzy.

I feel light-headed. "Cody..."

"It's okay just let it happen", in an instant, everything turns black in my room.

Xayah's POV

Sebastian and I have our eyes locked in on each other, standing...waiting, in my bedroom right now, and the butterflies in my stomach are going wild. "Why are you looking at me like that just kiss me already", I wasn't sure where the confidence was coming from but it didn't only shock me but him as well.

The smirk on his face said everything I needed to know. His strong hands wrapped around me, pulling me forward with a strong yet light force. "You want me that badly", I nodded my head. I felt his hand lift my chin to look directly at him. "Use your words, love".

"Yes I want you, now mark me", a growl erupted from his chest, and my feet left the ground immediately. Sebastian threw me onto the bed. Before I could even look surprised he was already on top of me and slammed his lips back onto mine. The kiss was euphoric and I couldn't get enough. My hands went into his hair all on their own, leading to a gentle tug. A grunt came out of his lips. His lips traveled down my jawline till they reached the crook of mine.

I felt him take a deep inhale which startled me for a moment, then a burning impact on my neck. I let out a loud squeal. A tear drop escaped from my eyes and a quiet sniffle. I felt my breath hitch in my throat from the excruciating pain. However, in a second this ecstasy feeling came down on me. Sebastian's fangs were still in me but they felt amazing. A slight moan slipped from my lips but I didn't care it was the best feeling I ever had.

A minute later he released himself off of me. I sat up and tried to stand up, but immediately the room started spinning. My breath was picking up and I was starting to panic. I felt my skin heat up and the room spinning more. "S-Sebastian! I don't like this!".

I felt a hand on my back and felt myself being placed back on my bed on my back. "Just relax and close your eyes you'll be fine love I promise". Just like that it was pitch black. 

Our Human MatesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora