chapter 2

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The meeting at the hospital was tense and fraught with disagreement.

Jungkook, ever the stubborn neurosurgeon, dismissed each of Jimin's points outright.

As they wrapped up their meeting, Jimin, unable to hold back his frustration, questioned Jungkook's incessant disapproval.

"Why can't you agree with the survey?" he demanded as they exited the cabin.

"Because it's stupid," Jungkook retorted sharply, his voice firm and unyielding.

"Do you not understand anything outside of your fashion world? Hospitals are not museums or zoos for you to survey surgeons.
Surgeries aren't a Netflix show for your entertainment," he added, his irritation palpable.

"I'm not going for entertainment. This is for work," Jimin countered, quickening his pace to match Jungkook's stride towards his office.

"You're just doing this to get back at me, aren't you? Shove your attitude and ego up your nose!"

Jungkook halted, turning to face Jimin with a cold glare.
"You're not so important that I would waste my time holding grudges, especially against some fancy ass 23 year old," he snapped.

The tension between them crackled, each word laden with contempt.Jimin's anger flared up, his voice rising.
"You're clearly unhappy with your life"
Jungkook didn't say anything.

"What is your problem with allowing the survey?"

"Because operations are not a joke," Jungkook shouted back, his expression hardening.
That got Jimin startled.

"Have you seen death? I see it all the time. Do you think surgery is a joke, like your profession?"

Stunned into silence, Jimin bit his upper lip, fighting back a rush of emotions.He was actually scared.

Jungkook exhaled deeply, his anger seeming to deflate somewhat.

"Look, Jimin, whatever you need to do, find a way to do it without interfering with medical procedures or involving actual patients. There's plenty of information available on the internet."

"But you don't understand,I need to observe doctors and nurses up close, in their environment. The internet isn't enough!" Jimin protested, his plea tinged with desperation.

Jungkook's gaze was steely as he replied, "I'm going to appeal to cancel this ridiculous project. Do you really think a hospital of our stature would engage in such a farce without hidden motives? There's something you're not seeing here, Jimin."

Frustrated and defeated, Jimin could only watch as Jungkook turned away, his parting words hanging heavily in the air. "Please leave. I need to visit a patient now"

Jimin's frustration boiled over as he stormed out of the doctor's office.

He made a beeline for the studio, intent on finding Lucas and declaring his intention to abandon the project.

Upon arrival, he spotted Taehyung engrossed in a discussion with a colleague over a laptop.

"Where's Lucas?" Jimin demanded, barely containing his rage.

"Calm down first," Taehyung urged, looking up with concern.

"Where is he?" Jimin pressed, his voice raised.

"He's in a conference. Some people from the hospital are here, and they look serious like dons or something," Taehyung replied, his tone hinting at the gravity of the meeting.

After a few tense minutes, the meeting concluded and the hospital’s high authorities emerged alongside Givenchy's creative director, Nicholas Lekrelek.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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