Chapter 1: Moving day

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"Hey yn!! Come fast we are going to miss the flight!!!" screamed your mother "yeah I know. COMING JUST A SECOND!!!" saying that you take a last look of ur room and walk downstairs and leave the house. You sit in back seat looking out of window, ur dad is driving to the airport.


Your guyz are doing the boarding, while ur brother is just staring at some random girl. U all are settled in the plane and plane starts to take off.

Y/n(your name)
-u r a 17 years old girl who is moving to Orlando cause of ur dad's job u hate the fact ur moving but u also kinds hated ur old school cause people there only bullied you.

(U guyz reach ur new home, u kinda like it)


ome of ur stuff was already here, so it wasn't that strange

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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