Chapter 7: The Episode Where Something Mysterious Happens

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Mia stood in front of a quaint and cute looking café. She kept herself warm by swaying side to side, the cool night air still managing to cut through her many layers. Why did I even hurry? She had rushed around her place to get ready, then almost ran to the cafe, only to be met by nothing - since he had yet to arrive. I should've known. Gojo was shown to be habitually late. As she waited under the cover of the café, it started to lightly rain. The sky had set, and, with the sound of the rain, it made the atmosphere serene. The harsh air hit her face and her breath was slightly visible, she stared out into the distance, reminiscing about the morning events. But before she had a chance to dwell on the dream, she noticed the man himself approaching her.
Gojo was dressed in casual clothes, grey sweatpants and a matching hoodie with a black jacket and pitch-black glasses. Always looking good, I see. Gojo, instead of being normal and using an umbrella, used his limitless as a shield to protect himself from the rain.

Now that I'm seeing him, I don't think I prepared myself enough. It was already unbelievable he was at my home just a few days ago and now I'm meeting him at a café. And it almost looks like a date... (a bit too early for that, calm down Mia). It's certainly an outrageous situation I've been thrust into no doubt. I'm begging, pleading with the higher powers above that it's not the 'and it was all a dream' trope. I would simply cease to exist... literally. By the time she was done going off a tangent in her own head, Gojo was closer and had finally noticed Mia and waved, which she reciprocated. When he stood in front of her, the rain had picked up, heavy droplets hitting the metal above their heads and on the ground beyond the cover.

"Hey. My bad, there was something I had to deal with." Mia noticed he was holding a bag of what seemed to be some kind of sweet treat. Ah, he got distracted, didn't he?

"Hello. It's okay," Mia opened her mouth to say something, but stopped herself, and changed what she was going to say last minute, for something more direct, "So, what are we doing exactly? I know you wanted to know about some of the dreams I've had, but now? I mean, aren't you busy?" Mia rambled asking one too many questions in a short period. Ah. That kind of sounded like a jab... I was just thinking he would be preoccupied with missions and things like that. Thankfully, Gojo didn't take it the way Mia had thought, and answered the questions she rapidly gave out.

"Yeah, I'm pretty busy, so this was the only time I could meet you. It's better we talk about it face to face, plus I couldn't shake my curiosity." He said as he walked past her, and entered the cafe. Oooh, does that mean I was on his mind, was her initial thought, which she automatically cringed at, as she followed him, Shut up, Mia. After keeping herself in check, the two stood in front of the counter to order. Gojo went first, and ordered a hot chocolate with a limited-edition brownie that had a green filling, while Mia quickly settled on a simple Camomile tea - not having enough time to choose any of the many food options that decorated the wall behind the server. Oh, the woes of indecisiveness.

It didn't take long for their orders to be ready, as the café was relatively quiet, and they made their way to a booth at the back of the shop where no one was close to. Mia played with the hem of her sweater sleave with her free hand, because of the proximity and the atmosphere made her uncomfortable, but tried to go with the flow as best she could. No but seriously, what even is this situation? I don't even know what I'm doing here - what is my maker pushing me into? I'm not built for this. They both took their seats across from each other, while Mia made a confused expression for a moment, which Gojo caught.

"What's the face for?" Gojo asked. She was surprised, which made him amused by her reaction. She contemplated whether or not she should ask him what just popped into her head; she ended up acting on the thought.

"Your technique... you used it when you were in the rain. Would I be able to see it up close?" She was proud she managed to get it all out, plus she didn't want to miss a chance to experience it for herself. Gojo looked even more amused that she even asked the question, and complied, holding out his hand for her to see for herself. Mia eagerly pressed her hand to where he held his, and as expected, couldn't press her hand against his - a force stopped her from completing the action. I wish it didn't work for just a second. Either way, I can die happily. (Knowing my record, I shouldn't be joking about that.) I expected it to feel like a wall, but it feels more like when you hold your hand out the window and feel the rush of wind against your hand, but on a smaller scale. Entranced by the unexpected feeling, her hand lingered, until Gojo spoke, which made her whole body slightly jump in place.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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