Chapter Four

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"Todd. Don't." Jesse warned me, his eyes narrowed and centred on my face. My cheek throbs as Miles smirks at me over Jesse's shoulder and I sneer back at him before looking back at Jesse. He looked angry, and disappointed. I made him angry and disappointed. Inwardly I sigh; I shouldn't have fallen for Miles' bait. I just make myself look worse.

Jesse shakes his head at me and I feel my heart clench. I guess I just ruined that attempt to be friends. Stupid Miles is always getting in my way. I like Jesse and I'd like to be his friend. He seems so cool and confident and funny. Everyone likes him and gets along with him. Except me. I'm sick of fighting with him all the time. Miles sticks his finger up at me from behind Jesse and I scowl at him before backing away. If anyone has an attitude problem here it's him.

"Whatever. It'd be like picking on an infant anyway." I mutter before turning around and walking to the cashier and absentmindedly paying for the cat food. I was halfway through the car park to my car when Jennifer called. I sighed, debating whether I should pick it up or not. She's nice and all, but I don't feel anything for her anymore. To be completely honest, I'm not sure I ever did feel anything. Maybe I just liked feeling wanted by someone. My thoughts drifted back to what happened in the supermarket with Jesse and Miles, and I kicked the wheel in frustration as my teeth gritted in anger again. Maybe spending some time with Jennifer is a good idea right now.

"Hello?" I answered the phone with a frown.

"Hey baby! Want to do something tonight? I could come over and we could do a movie night?" Jennifer chirped happily in my ear. I forced a smile.

"Sure. Why not? I'm already out so I'll pop by and pick you up now?" I asked.

"Absolutely! I'll see you soon! Bye baby. I love you." Jennifer said and hung up without waiting for my reply. I pinched the bridge of my nose, feeling a headache coming on, before climbing into my car and heading towards Jennifer's house.

After the 15 minute drive to her house, I pull into the driveway and send her a text letting her know I'm here. Flipping the radio on, I flick through the station until I find one playing decent music. I tap a beat on the steering wheel until Jennifer comes out. I feel my eyebrows rise at her outfit. She's wearing short shorts and a crop top and its freaking freezing outside. Girls are weird. She jumps in the car, shivering.

"It's so cold." Jennifer complains, her teeth chattering.

"Maybe you should wear more clothes then." I reply drily. I reverse out of the driveway and out of the corner of my eye I can see her staring at me with a weird look on her face.

"What?" I ask defensively.

"I swear, you are the only guy that's ever told me to put more clothes on." She mutters before reaching out and changing the radio station. Frowning, I concentrate on driving home.

Pulling into my driveway, I reach into the backseat and pick up the cat food before getting out and moving to unlock the front door. I frown as I realise that it's already unlocked. Did I forget to lock it?

Opening the door, I stop suddenly as I see my father's boots on the shoe stand. My stomach clenches in panic as I wander through the house looking for the cat. I really hope father doesn't find it.

"Todd, why do you have cat food?" I hear Jennifer say behind me and I flinch before whirling around to tell her to be quiet.

"That's what I was wondering Todd. Why do you have cat food?" I hear my father ask in the door way. I slowly turn to face him.

David Hughes is a very stern man. Currently dressed in a perfectly tailored business suit, he stood with his arms folded in the doorway. His thick black hair was parted on the side and brushed back, with gel in place to keep any stray hair from escaping. Deep frown lines covered his face while he stared at me, dark blue eyes narrowed angrily.

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