1) The first bar.

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Side note: this story is based around Lucy's kidnapping so if that's triggering for you please skip this one. And, this is still TO and rookie Chenford so though their isn't as much romantic feelings. There are a lot of protective ones.

It had been 3 months after Lucy had been kidnapped, Lucy's support system had grown from just West and Nolan to the whole team. Honestly, she was surprised. It was easy to be outcasted as a female, Asian rookie and even easier to think people don't like you.
Bradford had gotten nicer, though sometimes she thought it was her mind playing tricks on her. Harper had started to teach her how to make herself feel safe instead of expecting others to do it for her and Lopez was welcoming her into the LAPD family.
End of prologue.

The short dark haired officer walked into the roll call room, it was late afternoon and everyone's shifts had began to slow. She nodded at her best friend, Tim before heading towards the rookies who were discussing a file. "Hi." Angela's voice broke into the conversation. "You need me?" Jackson asked with a raised eyebrow. "No." She said almost deadpan, causing a shared smirk between Lucy and John. A slight shake in the TO's head caused her curled hair to sweep over her shoulder. She smiled. "Group drinks, tonight at The oak."
"Including us?" John asked in a surprised tone. "Yep, see ya at seven." It didn't really sound like a question, but the two boys were happy to finally be accepted into the official 'group'.

As Angela walked away Lucy glanced back at Tim who had clearly overheard the conversation. He gave a reassuring smile before gesturing to his phone. Bzzzz, Lucy's phone vibrated with the expected text. Bradford
Talk after shift, k?

If there was one thing Lucy had learnt whilst working with Tim it was that there were only two exceptions to no personal talk until after shift. One, someone was injured. Two, someone was dead. And though she knew he cared, she also knew that this one would wait till after. So she replied with a thumbs up, giving him a half smile and returning to the boys conversation. West was having a lame attempt at teaching Nolan how to catch Pokémon.

Soon there shift ended and Tim and Lucy were now standing by his truck. Their small talk was coming to an end and an actual conversation began. "Are you coming to the bar?" Simple, it was a simple question. Well that's what he'd been telling himself for the past 10 minutes deciding how to ask it. He was about to go with 'You don't have to come to the bar.' but that almost took away her option and she was a fully grown woman. "Yes." Broken by a tiny pause before she continued. "I'll be fine."
"I know." Tim nodded. "Are you anxious?" Quickly adding the question to his nod. "Yes but-" Before she could finish his face turned from relaxed to concerned. "But, I'll be okay." As much as Tim wanted to protect her, he knew she was telling the truth. She would be fine.

Tim's blue eyes watched Lucy's fingers as she picked at her skin, a habit she'd always had but he'd only recently noticed. Instead of butting in, his hand rustled in his pocket pulling out a little gold ring. "I found this in the shop, thought you might need it." It sparkled, reflecting the station lights. The little shiny ring doubled as a fidget toy, she had bought it recently and wore it on her pointer finger as a replacement to picking at her nails. "Thanks." A smile completing her face and complimenting her slightly rosy cheeks. "I'm riding with Jackson, I'll see you there." She said walking off and giving an awkward wave.

By the time Lucy got to the pub the sun was almost completely hidden. "I'll meet you inside." Jackson said, pulling the phone away from his ear as he did,  before resuming his phone call. She just nodded before heading inside to find her friends. In through her mouth and out through her nose, she reminded herself taking a few deep breaths before pushing open the tall wooden door. Her jasper eyes searched for them before flickering with a look of relief as she met eyes with Nyla. "Heyyy, Lucy!" She yelled over the chatter, the bar was filled with people.

They had managed to get two tables next to each other. One was a medium sized wooden table, pushed against a ruby booth seat, the other side of it surrounded by wooden chairs that her friends sat in. The other was a taller table with a sticky glass surface, alongside chairs that matched its height. Only two chairs were empty so she slipped herself onto one of the higher ones, next to Angela. "Hi." Lucy smiled back at Angela who was taking a sip from her beer. "Hey." Angela replied calmly before asking her where Jackson was. "On the phone." More words followed but the end of her sentence was cut off by the music being turned up.

Around thirty minutes had passed and Jackson had finally joined them, taking the empty chair next to Tim. As he tried to start a conversation he realised Tim was staring at something, so moved on to talk to Wesley who was chattering off to the other side of him. Tim was focused on Lucy, watching her from a distance. She was wearing a sports set, the colour of it hidden in the dimmed lights but clearly darker than her blue denim jacket covering her shoulders. Anxiously her leg bobbed up and down but she continued to keep a grin on her face, forcing out a laugh at whatever Angela was saying to her.

It was later now, and the bar began turning into a mass of people, the table has began to grow with friends of friends clutching to different conversations. Lucy sat quietly, her mind trying to focus but it's hard when everything was swallowing her up. A man touched her shoulder, leaning over her to talk to Smitty who took the seat opposite her a while ago. She flinched, tensing her shoulders slightly and shifting her body towards Angela whose back was turned. The man didn't move, in fact his grip tightened. At first she didn't realise why, she was too panicked but then she saw the way his eyes zoomed in and out of focus and the way his words slurred. Everyone was drunk, or at least had a drink but her. A single tear ran down her cheek as she spoke. "Excuse me." He gave her a questionable glance but when he spoke all she heard was a blur. "Excuse me." She repeated and began to step off her chair. It was too late though, tears started pouring out of her brown eyes and she felt her chest tighten.

A different hand grasped her tensed shoulder and though the touch was gentle she yelled out once more. "Help." The words broke over the music ever so slightly but no one seemed to hear. Back and forth, Lucy's head shook rapidly searching for an escape. Finally she met eyes with the person whose hand was now by his side. Tim. "I'm sorry,I thought you." She trialed off. "Here." He whispered into her ear before offering his arm to link with. Making sure this time she didn't flinch at his touch.

Eventually the buzzing sounds of the bar distanced as they made it outside, arms still intertwined. By this point Lucy's body was shaking but her breaths were steady clearly trying to calm herself. "Lucy." All she could do was nod. "It's alright, take your time." Tim said, pulling out a stool from an outside table.  "I'm going to get Angela, okay? I'll be right back." But his reassuring tone failed and she frantically shook her head. "It's okay, I'll just text her." He said repeating the first 2 words again and again until she settled.
Can you come outside? Lucy's having an anxiety attack.
It only took seconds before she replied.
Coming, is her bag still in here??
Tim's navy eyes glanced over Lucy looking for her purse.
Yep, she hasn't got it.

In seconds Angela had reached the pair who were outside. "Lucy?" She questioned, peering around the corner to see her sitting on a bench, Tim awkwardly hovering above. Lucy only let out a mumble in reply, but her breathing was calm now. "Can I sit next to you?" The older woman asked, leaning forward towards the stools. "Yeah." It was only a whisper but with her consent Angela sat down next to her, glancing over a Tim. "I'll go." But he couldn't because then look Lucy gave him made his heart wretch. "Stay." Tears were rushing down her cheeks again but she wiped them away briskly with her jacket. "Okay, do you wanna go home?" Tim said without hesitation. "Not yet, Jackson has my keys." The words got caught in her mouth as she spoke.

"Okay, why don't you come wait in my truck with Angela until you're ready to go back in. I'll get the keys from Jackson so when you wanna go home we can unlock the door." He was met with a wobbly smile from both of the girls.

Hii, I was going to do this in one big part but I don't know? It feels easier to read in multiple. As always, feel free to do requests. I do prioritise them before any other one shots :) and I hope you're having an amazing day. Part 1 out of 3!

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