The Commune

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    "We need to go." Said Greg as they watched Kendall sleep. "I know." Said Amy softly, "I've always known, since this all began that she was different." "That she wasn't, well like the other kids." "I don't care what it takes." "If this is best for Kendall that we live in a place where..." She stopped, "Where magic is, then she needs to be there."
    Greg sat on the bed next to Amy as she stroked Kendall's head, "I agree." "I wish we had known about such things before." Amy nodded cool and clear as they drove into the country. "Do you know where we are going?" Asked Amy as they handed Kendal some snacks, "Magic place." Said Kendall out loud. Ever since they'd gotten the amulets they talked mostly mind to mind. Kendall seemed more at ease now, with fewer tantrum's do to lack of communication.
    They drove up to the gates of bronze with symbols of stars and moons, flowers and ivy leaves. Morgana was there waiting for them as they parked the car. Morgana tapped it and a bubble rose around it, "Its for the protection of those sensitive to iron." She said as they walked through another set of gates, "If you do decide to live here, you won't have to drive at all, except in the mundane world." "We can create a portal."
    They walked down a long road bordered by fields of crops with people working "So do I." "At least if we can get a house there we can link it to your office maybe."
The town square was full of busy people going into and out of shops along one side of the road in and out of other buildings. Morgana hailed a couple who came to the central square.
It was dominated by a large seven tiered set of pools with a pedestal holding a set of statues. A couple holding wands, a wolf, a man wearing some leafy robe, a winged woman, and others.
The couple came and stood with them near the benches by the fountain. "How could we get into this place if its protected?" Asked Greg, "You have a daughter who's magical." Said Morgana who smiled as Seamus put an arm around her. the other couple were tall, muscular, with the woman having a chocolate complexion. The man had almost blue black skin. She was dressed in a long flowing ankle length dress. He wore some kind of robe. "Greg, Amy this is Sharon and Robert Carson." "They're werewolves."
"We prefer the word lycan from the word lycanthrope." Said Robert shaking Greg's hand and smiling at Amy. "You're er, werewolves?" "You like, shift shapes?" Asked Greg, "Of course, but unlike your half wolf half man kind of people, we fully change." Said Sharon in a musical voice. "This must be Kendall?" Asked Robert crouching down to eye level with her.
"Robert and Sharon are Alphas of the Oakwood pack." "They are, well like rulers, king and Queen as it were." "We respect the royalty of each others peoples." "Here we are trying to create our own world." "Robert also has the most powerful gift for detecting what is inside, he can tell just by snelling what Kendall's magical genetics are." Said Seamus.
Robert smiled at Kendall. By the glances they gave each other they seemed to be talking telepathically. "Can you tell what Kendall is?" Asked Amy, "I'd have to have your permission." Said Robert, "We would never intrude, we like privacy." Said Sharon. "I can say she is quite intelligent and has a very clear open mind." Said Robert.
Amy nodded, "Do what you have to do." Said Greg, "We have decided that whatever Kendall needs, we'll do it." Robert nodded and went back to his conversation with Kendall. He lifted a hand and Kendall smiled. "Well." Said Robert standing up, "I can already tell you at first pass she's extremely powerful." "Very gifted."
"But if you want a full diagnostic I'd need something recent that she cried on, bled on, or spit on, I need some of her dna." "I could shift into wolf form and smell her fully that way." "But I can already say she isn't a witch." "But you both are?"
Amy's face went white. "We what?" Greg shook his head, "No." "We've never done magic." "Its blocked." Said Sharon calmly. "I'm not as talented as my mate, but I could smell blocked power." "My parents weren't witches." Said Greg. "It skipped." Said Robert. "Grandparents were." "And mine?" Amy asked, "Your great grandmother was one." Said Robert.
"And you know this how?" Asked Greg, "I can smell it." "It is more concentrated when its blocked." Said Robert. "It is much stronger, because its more concentrated." "Kendall's just power, open and free."
"I have some tissue." Said Amy digging it out, "It's been in my purse for about three days." "Doesn't matter." Said Robert, "I would have to be older than a month." He handled the tissue carefully between his long fingered hands.
He bent down breathed deeply once then handed it back. He staggered and Sharon supported him. "How has this child not gone insane from the iron all around her?" "What?" Asked Amy, "She's an Elf." "An Arvvaylian, an air elf." "Not only is is she an Arvaylian she's royalty, and they always carry more power." "She's." Robert sniffed once again, "She's part of the violet and gold court." "Do we have any Arvaylians here?" Asked Morgana who looked stunned. "None I am afraid." Said Seamus. "the closest ones to us live i Hawaii." "That also explains why she's not winged yet." "She's been around everyone but an Arvaylian." Said Sharon.
"Exactly." Said Robert. "She's part of some court, but she was born to us?" Amy said in confusion, "It doesn't matter, your genes mutated, and she was the result." "They'd recognize her, even if she were born to human parents." "But you are witches." "Blocked but Witches." "That would go even more with them." "They are quite proud of their royals and the royals themselves won't let just anyone into their court that doesn't have the magical signatures." Said Sharon.
"Our daughter's an Elf?" Asked Greg, "Not like your Santa Elves." Said Seamus, "they are usually tall, slender, and very much different from those tiny people." "Arvaylians don't develop quite slowly as they are immortal beings." Morgana explained, "And we're witches." Said Greg looking completely shocked, "Yes." Said Morgana, "If Robert says, you are." "Why would we be blocked?" Asked Amy. "If there's no active witch in the family Witch children are born blocked, until a witch can unblock their powers." Said Seamus, "It protects young children from exhibiting magic in the mortal world." "Elves and other immortals however, don't have such protections, they may look human, they may even have a veneer of humanity, but their immortality always finds an outlet." "It can be unblocked and you can be tutored and mentored by a witch, and be adopted into a clan." Said Sharon, "We do the same for young Lycans who have lost their families."
"Well it doesn't matter about me at this moment." Said Greg, "I would like to learn." Said Amy, "But we need to make sure Kendall has what she needs." "She's the most important person in our lives."
"Do we need to go to Hawaii?" Asked Amy. "No you don't." Said Seamus. "We have some contacts among them." "We can ask one of the Arvaylians to come here and see to Kendall's care." "This does mean that once her gifts are unlocked, and her, full form is released she won't be able to live in the mundane world."
"There are some who live in the mundane world, but they cloak themselves in magic to disguise themselves." "And they do as little as possible in the mundane world." Said Morgana.

Sanctuary: Grove Haven Commune, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now