Chapter 17: Lord Of The Lake

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A day has passed after coming to Akala Island. Today the class is gonna have a scavenger hunt, Kukui invited Niku to join but he plans to check something out. Kukui understood and just let him go do his business. Niku overheard last night from some people about there being a Pokemon called the "Lord Of The Lake". Niku took interest in it and decided to go check it out.

Niku: Ok Eevee, let's head out!

Eevee: Vee!

Niku and Eevee left the Pokemon Center and headed over to their destination, which is a lake near Brookner Hill.

When they left, Olivia came out and saw Niku run out. She grinned knowing what his plan was.

Olivia: Kukui mentioned him as a trainer with unknown Pokemon. I wonder what he has in store.

Scene Change

Niku and Eevee made it to the lake and can see the lake is massive.

Niku and Eevee made it to the lake and can see the lake is massive

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Niku: Whoa, some lake this is.

Eevee: Eevee.

Niku: Hmmm.... There is a cabin here so where is the....

???: Just wait a moment sir!

???: Just wait a moment sir!

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Niku: Huh?

Niku looked back and saw an older man walking up to him.

Niku: Is this your place?

Master Fisherman: Yes, that's right! I am the Master Fisherman of Akala Island!

Niku: ...-_-... Seriously?

Master Fisherman: You will need my permission to battle the Lord of the Lake.

Niku: Oh really?

Master Fisherman: Yes. I have been a Master Fishermen for 40 years, and it's taken me a great deal of effort just to engage it in a fight. I have yet to actually catch it. It's that fearsome!

The Master Fisherman just showed him his scars.

Master Fisherman: These scars are badges of honor that I received in mortal combat with it!

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