❀Episode 4❀

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**✿❀Evelyn's POV❀✿**

And just like that, the wedding ceremony drew to a close. As Arthur engaged in discussions with other high-ranking officials, I stood in silence, still trying to process the whirlwind of emotions that engulfed me. With each passing moment, it felt as though I was losing myself completely.

In the past six months, I had never felt so helpless. It was as though I had truly died, weighed down by the burden of my new reality. Every fiber of my being felt heavy, and I longed to escape, despite the dread of heading to the North. But at least there, I would be free from the suffocating presence of Lucas.

"My Lady, I believe it's time we depart," Arthur's deep voice cut through my thoughts, causing me to startle. "You can take your time to bid farewell to your acquaintances."

But who did I have left here to bid farewell to?

"No, we shall leave," I replied in a subdued tone.

"Anna, is everything prepared for our departure?" I turned to Anna, seeking confirmation. "Yes, My Lady, everything is ready. I'll go and fetch the luggage for the carriage," she responded with a reassuring smile before disappearing into what was once my room.

"Shall we greet everyone one last time before we depart, My Lady?" Arthur suggested, to which I silently nodded, following him to the altar. As lords and governors approached to offer their congratulations, I stood by silently, allowing Arthur to handle the interactions.

Finally, we stood before Lucas—the newly crowned Great King of Asther, the murderer of my family.

"Congratulations, Grand Duke, and my dear Lady Evelyn," Lucas's voice dripped with satisfaction, his face alight with triumph. "Thank you, Your Majesty. None of this would have been possible without your consent to our union. I am grateful for the opportunity to wed Lady Evelyn," Arthur replied, casting a smile in Lucas's direction. They spoke of me as if I were a mere pawn in their game, robbed of any say in my own life.

"Only a warlord like yourself could be worthy of our formidable Lady. I trust she will find solace in the North and move beyond the tragedies that have befallen us," Lucas's words were laced with malice, a sinister smile playing on his lips. He knew he had emerged victorious.

"Forgetting everything and moving ahead may prove challenging, but I trust Lady Evelyn will draw strength from her experiences and together, may you uncover the truth behind the murders of the Royal Family," Arthur's tone carried a strange undercurrent, prompting me to glance at him. It was as if he spoke with a hint of sarcasm, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. As I looked from Arthur to Lucas, I noticed a flicker of unease cross Lucas's face, as if he, too, sensed the subtle shift in Arthur's demeanor.

"Yes, I believe we'll soon find the culprit," Lucas stuttered, which kind of amused me. "Now, allow us, Your Majesty. It's a long way to the North. We should take our leave," Arthur said, his demeanor returning to its usual coldness. He gave a respectful head bow and sought Lucas's permission. I stood silently, observing my two enemies, silently judging their every move.

"Yes, you may take your leave. May the journey be easy for you," Lucas replied calmly. After that, we departed and made our way outside the palace. Anna was already there, accompanied by Arthur's knights, who were assisting her in loading everything into the carriage. Arthur hadn't come alone; he was accompanied by at least six other people. It seemed he was close to all six of them. They glanced at me from time to time, but it didn't make me uncomfortable. After having a brief chat with them I saw Arthur coming my way.

"My Lady, before we return, allow me to introduce you to them. You'll be with them throughout this journey and even after we reach the North. " Arthur said in a subtle tone. I nodded. Arthur gave a small hand signal, prompting all six of them to step forward, standing in a proper position. They all bowed and kneeled as how the knights used to do here, which caught me off guard.

"Please, rise. Thank you for the greetings," I said, feeling a bit flustered.

"Thank you, My Lady. We will formally introduce ourselves once we reach the North. For now, just to inform you, we six are the Royal Knights of the Northern Empire. I'm Liam. You'll often find me beside His Grace. Feel free to ask me for anything," Liam said with a slight tilt of his head and a warm smile. With that, he ended the conversation, and I nodded in gratitude.

Liam resembled Arthur in many ways, except for his wavy light brown hair, which covered his forehead slightly and cascaded into a mullet at the back. Arthur, on the other hand, had shorter, straight black hair, neatly tucked into a side partition, revealing his forehead.

"Liam, please escort Lady to the carriage," Arthur instructed before moving ahead with the other knights. Liam gently took my hand, and together we made our way to the carriage, with Anna following closely behind.

"My Lady, pardon me for the interruption, but are you not bringing any maids with you? Will she—" Liam paused, looking at Anna, "the only one accompanying you?" His confusion was evident, and although I resented the question, I understood its validity. Typically, when a lady is wed off, she is accompanied by numerous maids and servants, often with two or three ladies-in-waiting. But my circumstances were different.

"Yes, Sir Liam. Anna is my lady-in-waiting, and she will be the only one accompanying me," I replied, trying to maintain my composure. Liam seemed to sense my discomfort and ceased his inquiries. After helping me into the carriage, he rejoined the other knights and Arthur.

It was already challenging for me to be near him during the ceremony, given the overpowering scent of blood that emanated from him. The thought of sharing a carriage with Arthur was daunting. I glanced outside and saw Arthur mounting one of the horses. Suddenly, someone approached the carriage, prompting me to turn my attention inward and regain my composure.

With a gentle knock on the carriage window, a figure appeared. "My Lady, pardon my interruption. I am Felix, one of the Royal Knights and a Mage of the Northern Empire. I've come to inform you that His Grace will not be joining you in the carriage, as he dislikes sitting in them," Felix explained. He had striking white hair and his eyes were a mesmerizing shade of greyish-blue. Standing tall like Arthur and Liam, he exuded a sense of strength.

"It's quite alright, Sir Felix. Thank you for letting me know," I replied, acknowledging his presence.

"Also, my Lady, as you know, the journey to the North is quite far. It typically takes three days, but we usually use my mana to shorten the travel time. However, this morning, I have already expended a significant amount of my mana to come here. Therefore, His Grace Arthur suggested that we travel for a day, and once I restore my mana, I will make the journey easier through transportation," Felix explained with warmth in his tone. I nodded in understanding, recalling my father's tales about the magical teleportation used by mages to traverse between empires.

"I understand, Sir Felix," I replied with a reassuring smile.

With that, the journey commenced, and we departed from Asther, my homeland, in silence. There was no one there to bid me farewell. I couldn't help but wonder how different it would have been if my family were still alive.

❃.✮:▹To be Continued◃:✮.❃

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