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I was feeling a positive vibe. I was relieved by now. My mind was at peace, no thoughts, no worries and no questions. We were at a very old church.

Just then, Bella took my hand and held it tight. Luna smiled at me but there was still something she didn't told us. It was time to relax for us but.

"Luna, why are we here all of a sudden?" I asked politely while looking straight into her eyes.

"I think I should have told you this earlier. So I am about to clear all your doubts regarding those paranormal activities. They are not just some illusions or dreams. There is a reason behind it. Girls, follow me."

Luna went into the centre of church. Soon after, Father came as well. We greeted him with full respect. Luna whispered something in his ear which I wasn't able to hear.

We stand in front of Jesus Christ Sculpture and started praying to Lord. We all were chanting the Power Prayer.

"Father God, I thank you for directing my steps today.
I thank you for covering me with Your Almighty shadow.
I declare and believe that no evil shall come near my dwelling, my family, my work, my body, and my thoughts.
I rebuke the devil from hindering my life and purpose.
No storm, no demonic strategy, no offense, no pestilence, and no evil report, will interrupt the blessings of God in my life.
I release the love and wisdom of God into my heart and mind.
Satan, take your hands off God's property! Thank you Father God for joy and peace that passes all understanding.
In Jesus name, I pray, amen."

We sat in a circle and the story begin. The story I was dying to hear. The story which was all the reason for my miserable life by now.

"Let's start from the beginning, There was a kind hearted couple who lived in that house 20 years ago. Life was perfect for them. After 4 miscarriages, they were blessed with a healthy baby but maybe they did something bad in past life. The baby was nice at birth. After his 2nd Birthday, he started acting weird. Being obsessed with blood. He was brought to this same church and Father told the couple that it was not a baby but a evil spirit itself. The couple were so blind in love that they didn't really cared about it that much. Until....." Luna said all this in one breath.

"Until? Tell me more I am dying to know." I said panicking. My heart forgot to beat.

"The kid started to kill people especially weak hearts. The kid wanted a soul so he can always be alive. Neither I know whose soul it was nor the full story."

"So, the baby was successful in getting a soul or not? If yes, then why is it following us?"

"Actually it did took many souls and the evil spirit got even more powerful. At the end, it is greedy now. For many years, it has not be feeden any soul so that's why it is behind one of us."

A chair came flying on Father's face. A creeking sound came and suddenly the chandelier fall behind me.

Luna took her cross sign pendant and start chanting Jesus's name. A black shadow appeared while crackling it's own bones.

I held Bella by the wrist and took her to the entrance. Firstly and successfully, Bella escaped, soon after a strong wind came and the door slammed on my face.

The doorknob locked. Bella knocked on the door several times but I knew that it's finished now. With a sigh, I turned back and saw a toddler with a knife in its hand.

I was out of breath. I put my hand on the chest and ran. I was climbing the stairs at full speed until I heard a voice from behind.

"Wanna play with me? The loser gets the soul. Ready?"

I turned backwards but found no one. I got chills all over my body. I again started climbing the stairs. I reached the hallway of the 3rd floor.

"You didn't answer me? Play with me or I will play with you forever." A evil voice said while looking straight into my eyes.

The evil spirit grabbed my hand and pinned me down to the wooden floor. It tried to take some action but before that I ran.

I ran upstairs again but I fell from the stairs. It again grabbed me by my legs and took me downstairs. I again tried to run away at full speed.

I came towards the front door of the terrace. It was not opening so I punched the door but there was no change in it.

I saw behind me and realised that the the owner of the evil voice was still following me. I decided that I will escape this place at this time at all costs. With that, I took a breath and within a second, I broke the door apart.

I ran outside and finally saw sunshine. I was trying to find a place to hide but there was nothing to be found.

I turned back to see that evil spirit again but this time clearly actually it had half face only. I got chills all over my body. I looked down from the terrace.

"I am asking you last time. Play with me or do you have any options out there?"

The only options were :-
1) Play with that evil spirit and let it get your soul cause there is no chance of my winning against it .
2) Jump from the terrace.

I couldn't think of what to do cause both the options were as bad as my destiny. But what should I choose?

Thank you so much for giving your precious time to read this story and also for your support. See you next time with a new chapter till then Love you all 💖

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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