chapter 2

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~3rd person pov~

Soundwave remembered his alt-mode, he shifted his form, metal plates retracting and reshaping until he stood once more in his towering robotic frame.

With a low hum, he glanced around at the desolate landscape, his optics scanning for any signs of movement.

"Soundwave must proceed with caution," he murmured to himself, his voice still tinged with the remnants of betrayal.

"The Decepticons may still be lurking nearby." Soundwave slowly stood up, his joints protesting with every movement, the memories of betrayal flooded his circuits like a raging storm.

The echoes of his former comrades' treachery reverberated in his processor, each betrayal a fresh wound upon his spark.

"Soundwave trusted them," he murmured, his voice tinged with bitterness.

"But they turned their back on Soundwave." His optics burned with a steely resolve as he clenched his fists, his determination unwavering despite the pain.

"Decepticons, Laserbeak, Megatron... They will pay," he vowed, the words dripping with venom.

"Soundwave will ensure justice is served." With a heavy yet determined gait, he began to walk away from the wreckage, his gaze fixed upon the horizon.

The road ahead would be perilous, but Soundwave knew he had to confront his betrayers and reclaim his honor.

As Soundwave slowly stood up, his joints protesting with every movement, he scanned his surroundings with a mixture of caution and determination.

The memories of betrayal still lingered, fueling his resolve to seek retribution.

"Weakness will not deter Soundwave," he muttered to himself, the words coming out in a distorted, third-person echo.

Despite the pain, he knew he had to press on.

The path ahead was fraught with danger, but Soundwave was no stranger to adversity.

With a calculated stride, he began to walk away from the wreckage, his optics focused on the horizon.

"Soundwave will find justice," he declared, his voice carrying a solemn determination.

Each step brought him closer to his goal, a silent promise to himself and those who had wronged him.

Though battered and bruised, Soundwave refused to be defeated.

He was a survivor, and nothing would stand in his way as he embarked on his quest for vengeance.

~Soundwave pov~

As I treaded through the dimly lit corridors of a abandoned energon mine, the echoes of my own footsteps reverberated against the cold metal walls.

Betrayal weighed heavily on my circuits, a constant reminder of the treachery that had left me stranded in this desolate place.

"Why, Soundwave? Why did they turn against soundwave?" I murmured to myself, the words barely audible in the oppressive silence.

But there were no answers in the empty expanse of the mine, only the hollow echoes of my own thoughts.

I reached a junction in the tunnels and paused, my sensors scanning the darkness ahead.

"Laserbeak, why," I thought our bond, hoping for some semblance of reassurance. But there was no response, only the eerie silence of the abandoned mine.

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