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The way Akshaj realises that the little cuteness is his Lakshmi. 

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Adikrit Pov

Leaving aside the mafia stuff, since the twins and Nil are here, they absolutely don't need to know anything that doesn't concern them. I filled everyone with information about local goons and how they have been abducting children, making them beg, and, of late, giving them training to be slaves.

As soon as I stopped talking, I took in the current vibe in the office.


Utter silence. Filled with a mixture of emotions.

As usual, Ethi, He is that closed, forbidden personal diary of someone that, no matter how close you are to that someone, you cannot allow them to read; all you can do is anticipate what the story is inside it. Exactly like that, I can just anticipate what he is feeling. Definitely rage, but at what level? Is he too feeling like ripping someone's heart apart for hurting such a pure soul? Most probably. Or is he getting emotional just like I am? Or is he once again going to stand like a rock for us, ignoring himself?

Aksh, he is fuming, rightfully so, his eyes turning the darkest shade, his jaw gritted together, his fists clenched to the extent of white knuckles, his veins popping out, and his breathing slightly going over the normal pace.

Nil. Just like his nickname, his facial expressions are nil. He is sitting there as if he is blank from within at this moment. That scared me. Last time he got this numb, it took all of us years to get him out of his shell. I can't bear that again. I can't have him go through all of that shit again. None of us can. The twins are still oblivious as to why he remains lost in his paintings most of the time. I just hope he will let any one of us be there with him, and will open himself to us.

Akul, he is trying hard to process everything, as if not ready at all to accept that such a thing could happen to such small kids. As the reality of this cruel world settled upon him, the frown on his forehead was deepening, and a pained look took over. Tears started brimming in his eyes, which he hardly attempted to let go of by blinking his eyes incessantly.

Ojas. As joyful as he is from the moment he wakes up until he goes to bed, he is actually the most sensitive person among all of us. And also quick to bow down before reality. Such contrasting traits does he possess! He has broken down in silent sobs, literally his tears cascading down his cheeks. But his unwavering gaze is stuck on the cuteness I have in my arms. Both his palms are held by Akul to not let Ojas hurt himself and rather have him hurt Akul. Ojas has one awful habit where he digs his nails into his palms. He does so subconsciously whenever he tries hard to have control over his emotions.

The bond these two share with each other is indeed in the purest form I have seen. They might mess with each other all day long, and most of the time they stand against each other, but at the end of the day, these two are the only significant half of each other.

As much as I am elated looking at how beautifully my three younger brothers have been nurtured with all the precious emotions, I a little lament about them having to grow up at such a young age. Twins will be fifteen in the next two months, and Nil turned eighteen a fortnight ago. They are mature for their age. They acknowledge how family is to be kept first in everything.

All credit goes to Ethi and Aksh. They always taught us how family is above and beyond everything. And how we six brothers always have to stick together, thick and thin. We are one. And how mutual respect and trust are the strongest fundamentals in any family. How should we not let anyone else mess with it?

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