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Aman pov

Pack house at priest's home.

He rang the bell and priest opened the door. Welcome him inside. "Hello kid, how come you are here today. Do you want some water. You just discharged from hospital. You should be resting." Priest asked.

"Hi uncle, Thankyou asking for water and care about me. Today I am here for really important matter. I am here to ask you some questions."

"Ok kid, calm down and sit first. Than we can talk ok. So ask me what questions you want answer from." Priest said.

"Uncle, there is another person who is telling me that I am his mate and he can smell my pheromones. I don't understand this situation."

" Can you tell me all the things in details and who that person is? Only then I can answer your questions." He asked.

"This is a person I know that's why I am asking . He told me that I am his mate. He can smell my pheromones. But I can't smell him. I feel somewhat familiar with him. I don't know why?"

"Aman i shouldn't tell you this because I promised your grandfather. He told me tell you this when you get to know about all your mates.

Otherwise i would have kept my silence. " He said.

"What promise you are talking about?"

"So when you were conceived. You know your grandfather is quite strict but he is loving towards his family. He has his principles in life.

He always believed in monogamous relationship.He have seen many polygamous relationship around him which ended up broken even if they were mates.

He was a excellent astrologer who can see future through his calculations of stars. He saw you will have a very happy life untill you reach age of finding your mates but you will not live happily because of complications between your mates who were always fighting and creating problems. You almost ended up dead many times." He said.

"What happened than?"

" Your grandfather decided to change your fate through a ceremony he performed before your birth. It was supposed to you ending up with your one mate and other two as mates.

Something wrong happened during the ceremony. You ended up with your two mates. He wasn't able to see your fate from than on to untill your birth. He saw when you two mates he was guilty for his mistake of changing your destiny."

"What would have happened to my last mate if I haven't met him."

" Kid sorry to say this. He would have died alone  or if by some miracle God would have send him other mate."

"So why only he can smell my pheromones."

"The ritual have disconnected your bond. That was
reconnected again a bit because you mating and creating new life but completely. "

"How did you know about babies i didn't told you yet."

"Kid I can see somewhat future too. I may not proficient as your grandfather. So i knew it."

"Uncle why didn't you told us before my mom dad or me about it."

I was bound by my promise you grandfather. I am older than your father . I have worked with grandfather. He will kill anybody who breaks promises.

He told me that if you come first to me for answers only then I can break my promise. Otherwise this secret will get buried with me."

The Alpha MatesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora