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I'm awoken by the beaming sun streaking through my curtains. The calmness of my town falls over me causing a small smile to crack on my face. I hop out of bed and head towards the washroom to get ready for the day. Thanksgiving is tomorrow and I'm certain that my mom needs to grocery shop just like she always does the day before every holiday. It's like she finds a thrill in being smushed by other idiots who decided that they would stroll to the store for things that may well be out of stock. Nevertheless, I know she'll drag me to the store with her thinking that I'd make it much easier. 

After getting myself ready, I make my way downstairs where I spot my mom and dad having breakfast together. Their bond is my favourite thing in the world and I hope I'll get the same someday. If I don't, I'll just settle for dying alone in my very huge home with a bottle of wine by my side. 

I can see on the counter a bowl of scrambled eggs and a platter of freshly diced fruits. My mom lets me know that she prepared it for my breakfast which I thank her for. I eat in silence with my parents chattering about God knows what, too scared to say a word about anything. One slip and I'm finished. 

"Did you sleep well hun?" Mom asks raising a brow probably at my lack of communication. It isn't normal to be this quiet around your parents when you've returned from school so she's probably gonna play shrink based on how I act moving forward. 

"No I guess I was too excited to sleep well." I chuckle hoping that this lie would make up for me being so quiet. I actually slept the best I have in months. My room at home is just so serene. "And I thought that  stew was going to put me to sleep." She smiles at this statement. 

"So what's on the agenda today?"

"Literally nothing, ma. There's nothing here to do-"

"Great well you'll come shopping with me. I'm so excited to introduce you to Mrs. Nicole and her beautiful family. I haven't met her son yet but he must be amazing the way she talks about him. Are you dating dear?" her question catches me by surprise and I see my dad perk up in his chair waiting for my response. We barely talk about guys so I don't know what's her motive here. I mean if she's trying to set me up with her friend's son then he better be richer, hotter and more captivating than Jane because I don't think a guy my age can beat that right now. They'll have to find a way to get that Pritchard devil out of my head. 

"I'm not."

"No that's nonsense. There are no guys on campus that you've like or God forbid hooked up with?" 

"Mom! What are you- no there haven't been any guys. Why do you care about it so much?"

"Because you're my daughter so are you gay?"

"Mom! No, I-"

"I mean I'd love you to not have a boyfriend but it's a little strange." my dad chimes in this time and I my mouth drops in awe.

My parents are on drugs today. Did they expect me to come back from New York with a ring in my finger? I get that I've been gone but that doesn't mean I have to spend my time dating. 

"I seriously don't get the concern. No I'm not gay and I just have not out my time into dating. That's it. Nothing to get all dramatic about." my mom has a teasing grin on her face and I know she's going to do exactly what I think she is. 

"You can't just try to play matchmaker mom. What if he has a girlfriend, better yet, what if I'm not interested?"

"Well we'll see." She takes a sip of her coffee and gives me a wink. I chuckle at her silliness and trust her words. Yes we will see. 

The grocery store is filled to the brim with everyone trying to stock their carts with God damn near everything on the shelves. I look at the long list my mom has assigned me with. We're starting in the produce area to get the meats we need but it looks like here is all we will ever be. I give my mom a glare for dragging me down dooms road with her. Somehow we're able to get what we needed from the packed isles and cash out after almost forty minutes of standing in line. While we're wheeling the cart to the car a smiling lady approaches my mom. I'm not too alarmed because eI barely know anyone in my town other than the usuals on my street. I figured this could be someone who moved onto town while I was away and is friends with my mom. 

"Celia, how are you?" the lady squeals still flashing her white smile. Her slender body is wrapped in a navy blue dress that is way too classy to just be strolling around in. Her tawny brown hair is neatly done into a french roll similar to my mom's sans the difference in colour. 

"Oh my, Nicole. I didn't expect you ti be here, you look gorgeous as always!" 

So this is the Nicole my mom's talking about. She's stunning and has a radiant glow even in the midst of this overcast weather. Her eyes are a bit familiar almost like I've seen them somewhere but I can't place where. 

"This is my daughter, Malia."

"Oh my gosh look at her! She's beautiful. I think mama passed down her good looks." She laughs while pulling me in for a hug. Instead of remaining the limp, confused child that I am, I wrap my arms around her and let her know that's it's a pleasure to meet her.

"Well I've got to get going but I'll see both of you tomorrow. Can't wait." She pads away in her heels to an SUV that looks way to big for her ti be driving. 

"Now this is the kind of mother-in-law you want." my mom says to me and I roll my eyes in response.

"She seems nice but I'll have to see what I'm dealing with first."  

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