Chapter - 3 : Rescue

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I suggest you guys to read this chapter very carefully because it contains Jungkook's past. It also contains many things about Jungkook's real personality, so I suggest you read it very carefully. Some main elements which will be useful for the next chapters are also involved in this chapter, so READ IT CAREFULLY.

After Jungkook's past story, we'll continue from where we left in the last chapter in this very chapter itself.

Enjoy reading!


That day still dreaded Jungkook to the core.

The day he and his mother got the news of his father's death.

His father, Jeon Daeshim was in army. When Jungkook was just seven, his father got shot during one of his missions.

Jungkook rarely remembered any memory with his father because they had met rarely. His father used to come once every two years to meet his family and always left in just two weeks.

But that small time spent with his father was enough for Jungkook to love him and have an emotional bond with him.

His father was his best friend. Even though they rarely met, Jungkook loved his father a lot and vice versa. He still remembered how he used to wait for whole two years to meet his father and when his father used to come, those two weeks spent with him used to be the best moments of his life. His father literally used to spoil him.

His mother, Jeon Minji, was the CEO of a big fashion company. According to Jungkook, his parents were the best parents out there.

He still remembered how his parents loved each other so so much that he had never seen that kind of love before. He still remembered how his mother used to hug him whenever he missed his father and cried at night while her own eyes used to be teary.

But that dreadful day took away all of their happiness.

After his father's death, Jungkook and his mother, both of them got traumatized. Minji used to miss her husband a lot, but she was also worried for her son's mental health who was getting more and more silent day by day.

She tried her best to cheer him up, but the boy had gotten completely serious and traumatized. He had stopped laughing and playing like before. He had stopped going out with his friends. Even his grades had dropped.

Minji was so much worried for her son, but she could do nothing about it.

She sometimes had thought about remarrying, just for the sake of Jungkook, but her heart just didn't accept it. She loved her late husband too much to betray him like that.

Everything went on like this for two whole years. Jungkook was seven now, but was still the same. He just couldn't forget his father and couldn't get out of his depressed phase.

That was until her mother appointed a new personal secretary for herself - Han Saja.

Saja was a talented and hard working person. Moreover, he was kind, funny and friendly and grew close to the mother-son duo really fast.

For the first time in more than two years, Minji had seen her son smiling genuinely while talking to Han Saja.

Saja got really close to them in just a span of three years. He knew their whole story. He felt sorry for the little, now ten years old Jungkook and wanted to cheer him up, make him like before.

And he succeeded in doing it. He had grown the closest to Jungkook and the little boy had started calling him his 'best friend.'

Everything was slowly coming back on track, everything was slowly getting better but something had to come in the way.

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