Chapter 11 - Steadying

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A few weeks later

"I'm impressed it took you this long to come to the sick bay." Doctor Enzo remarked, wrapping a bandage around the now medicated gash on Olwen's shoulder. "Most people who spar with Delta Cassidy for the first time end up far worse than this."

Olwen winced as she felt the medicine settle into her wound with a slight stinging sensation as the bandage was fastened.

"...I did train with the Silver Arrow Pack's Beta for a few years. I came prepared."

"Hm. Maybe." The doctor nodded, finishing up before he stepped back. "You might want to wait on that wound to heal before doing any training again though. It shouldn't take long since it's not a major injury, and your wolf should help speed up the process."

"Okay. Thanks, Doctor Enzo."

Olwen hadn't met Doctor Enzo until a few days ago-he'd been away from the Moon River Pack attending medical school. But even though he was young, in fact slightly younger than her from what she remembered, he definitely had a good head on his shoulders.

The first time Olwen had ever witnessed blood in person was when the first wolf in the Silver Arrow Pack was killed by a rogue. She couldn't remember who it was-an older woman she supposed-but she'd remembered the way her then nine year old self had reacted upon seeing the body. That sight had haunted her mind for days after, to the point where she refused to sleep alone and needed her parents to stay by her bedside.

She hoped that Doctor Enzo would not have to face such things, and if he did, that he would take it far better than she had.

Olwen walked back to her home this time round, greeting the members that called out to her as she did.

It was a common sight now to see Olwen heading to the training centre each morning at least three or four times a week, and emerge exhausted after a few hours long session with Cassidy.

She had progressed quickly under the Delta's guidance. After mastering dodging different forms of attacks, Cassidy had upped it further by showing her how to take down her attacker after evading them. There were many options that in the end were whittled down to two: stay in human form, or shift into your wolf.

Opal was more than happy to take control for a while and train with Cerise. Olwen and Opal had always cooperated on most fronts, but having to coordinate the pivotal moments to shift when facing an opponent on the field was a new challenge. It was exactly that - shifting one moment too late - that gave Olwen the injury she had just gotten treated - and Cassidy did warn her it would have been worse if it was an actual enemy.

Aside from training in combat, Alpha Landon had actually followed through on his offer to take her swimming in the river near pack borders. Sometime after their initial conversation in his office, he'd summoned her with the mind-link. She didn't consider her time spent with him in this manner to be as rigorous as Cassidy's training, but Landon was still the Alpha of Moon River Pack, consisting of wolves whom all had been accustomed to water and swimming from a young age.

That, and Olwen had to admit to herself that she wanted to impress Landon.

The two of them knew very well there was something between them, and in her case, Olwen had to reign Opal in somewhat to prevent her from becoming too eager. And by the Moon Goddess, did it get more difficult each time.

Being in proximity with Alpha Landon, whether just staring at him up close or a slight contact of skin or fur, made her flustered. When she'd first met him a year ago she'd already noted he was quite handsome, except back then she'd not pursued it further than that fleeting thought due to her matebond and what she'd thought was her perfect, loving relationship with Aaron.

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