✨ Lie nr. 41

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Truths: You're family

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Truths: You're family

"Somebody help! Please!" I yell, but my voice is still strained from surgery. "Please!" I pressed that damn alarm a minute ago and still there's no one here.

"Sunshine doesn't hurt rainbows." Rémy slurs his words now and I can see the whole right side of his face melt.

"Somebody! Help!" I yell louder and all of a sudden, a nurse comes running around the corner. Fucking finally! "Help him! Please." I squeeze his hand while he's seconds away from tumbling off his chair. "I think he's having a stroke or a brain bleed. He hit head in and bus accident a few hours ago." I tell the nurse and with each word the concern in her eyes grows. She is quickly paging other people, and the next few minutes all hell breaks loose inside my hospital room. I don't want to watch. Any of it. I'm too scared to watch something I might never be able to forget. So, I cover my eyes, with my hands, one wrapped into a heavy cast, and imagine sunset orange. I imagine Rémy. At his graduation, at mine, at our wedding because apparently, he wants to marry the shit out of me one day, at our house watching our dog struggle to jump into the couch, watch our grand kids play hockey, slamming each other into the boards even though it sounds ridiculous. I imagine him telling me he loves me every single day until I never get sick of it.

I close my eyes and see.

I see all of him.

"Céline, ssssttt." I feel someone wrap a hand around my wrist and I know that voice. "Cécé, it's Jules. Try to calm down, your heartrate is going crazy, you need to calm down."

"I don't want to see." I rush out through my teeth while I push my palms into my eyes. "I don't want to."

"It's okay." My brother whispers as he wraps himself around me and I can feel the warmth of his embrace. "They aren't in here anymore."

That's not okay!

I pull my hands away and frantically look around the room to find Rémy "Where is he? Is he going to be okay? Is he? Jules, where is Rémy!?" I'm breathing so fast it's burning my lungs and I can feel every breath stab me in the chest. Jules grabs my face between his hands and makes me look at him, worry flashing through his eyes.

"First take a deep breath." He demands but how can I breathe when they took my oxygen away from me. When they took Rémy. "Céline!" My brother stares at me with worry until I do what he says even though it's hard.

Deep breaths.

"Please tell me." I beg him.

His eyes scan my face and then his head drops. "I don't know." He shakes lightly. "They said he collapsed, and that they we're going to get some scans and run some tests."

"He was having a brain bleed, Jules!" I panic, remembering how we wasn't making sense, how he wanted to smile but couldn't, how I felt completely helpless. I burst out into a sob while Jules frantically hoovers around me and tries to calm me down. My eyes open wide. "Who's with him! He can't be alone, please don't let him be alone, I don't van him to be alone!"

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