[12]: the outside

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you saw me there but never knew,
that i would give it all up to be
a part of this, a part of you...

training started in 10 minutes and i was 15 minutes away, walking in the pouring rain.

my car was in the garage and no one else could give me a ride so i had no choice but to brave the 20 minute walk, when it wasn't raining.

my training outfit was drenched and sticking to me, as were the baby hairs sticking out from my once slick pony tail.

i'd been doing home work and lost track of time and decided i'd rather run for 5 minutes than run 5 suicides for being late.

i sprinted as fast as i could to the gym, my backpack bouncing on my back.

i wish i wore a coat.

as the entrance came into view i slowed down, jogging in.

i threw my bag in the locker room as all the girls were already starting the warm ups.

now walking, i entered the gym where the girls were now looking at me as i panted from the amount of running i'd done to get here on time.

'girl boo why are you soaked' kk laughed.

'i walked here' i groaned, crossing my arms to get warm.

'walk ? you look like you swam' she chuckled.

'or ran' paige added.

'haha, how am i still here before geno ?' i scoffed, taking off my drenched top.

'like the show' kk joked.

'yeah take a picture it'll last longer' i smiled, shaking my head.

'if you insist' she shrugged, pretending to take a picture with her hands.

'nessa why are you already sweating ?' geno asked walking into the gym.

'it's rain water' i huffed, trying to slick my hair back.

'well you can all get on the line to warm up' he smiled.

the girls all groaned, walking to the line unenthusiastically.

after running for what felt like years he finally let us have a break before doing a scrimmage.

'i wanna redo my hair but i don't think i can even move anymore' i complained, sprawled out on the floor.

'girl i can't even feel my body parts' kk huffed out.

'come here' paige instructed from the bench where she was somehow sat up.

i dragged myself of the floor, standing in front of the girl.

she grabbed my hips, turning me around to face away from her before pulling me down onto the floor between her legs.

she pulled the bobble out of my pony tail, brushing the baby hairs back with her fingers.

'your hairs so sweaty' she mumbled in my ear.

'your legs are sweaty' i mocked.

'yeah ?' she teased, squeezing her legs around me.

'ew stop it gross' i shuddered, pushing her legs off me.

'eww stop it' she teased, putting my hair in a pony tail. 'you coming out tonight ?' she questioned, helping me up off the floor.

'i don't know' i shrugged, walking over to the girls.

'so yes, great i'll meet you at 6' she grinned, bouncing next to me.

'the amount of energy you have right now is infuriating' i side eyed the girl.

'scrimmage time' she smiled, dragging me over my shoulder.

'yay' i smiled sarcastically earning a slap on the head from the blonde

guys i promise the next chapter is worth this boring one on my mamaa💯🔥

anyone else got that silly lesbian song stuck in their head IS IT CASUAL NOW !?!?
like i'm obsessed 😫

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