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Last night, I passed out in my room, whiskey bottle in hand.

Now, feeling like shit, I head to the bathroom for a shower and a change of clothes.

Once refreshed, I make my way to the control room where Vicky has been tirelessly searching for Ariella all night.

"Any trace of her yet?" I ask, desperate for any sign of progress.

"Nope," she replies, frustration evident in her voice.

"Her phone is either broken or lost because I'm getting no trace from it," she adds, her expression grim.

"Fuck," I mutter under my breath, feeling a surge of helplessness.

"Keep trying," I instruct before leaving for my office.

Dialing Mateo's number, I brace myself for the conversation.

"Hey, man," he answers cheerfully.

"I have bad news," I begin, my tone grave.

"What is it?" he responds, concern creeping into his voice.

"Yesterday, Ruben, Rafael, Bruno, and the girls all went to a club," I explain, my heart sinking with each word.

"And?" he prompts, his voice tense.

"Ariella excused herself to the bathroom, but after minutes, they noticed she wasn't coming back. They searched the whole club twice, but there was no trace of her," I explain.

"Luciano, I swear to God, if anything happens to my sister, I'll have your fucking head," he threatens, his anger palpable.

"I'm fucking flying to Spain today," he declares before abruptly hanging up.


I instructed one of my drivers to pick up Mateo from my airplane hanger, and now he's here, raging in the middle of my house.

"I swear I'll have your head and all your men's heads if you don't get my sister back here right now!" he bellows, his voice echoing through the halls.

I make my way to the bottom of the stairs, attempting to diffuse the situation. "Calm down, man," I urge, but he grabs hold of both sides of my collar, his fury palpable.

"Calm down? You're telling me to calm down when I have no idea where my sister is," he retorts, his grip tightening.

"My father will literally kill you, Delgado," he warns, his eyes blazing with anger.

Mateo doesn't realize just how worried I am about Ariella.

"I'm sure Carlos took her," I suggest, trying to calm him down.

"We need to find that asshole," Mateo agrees, his determination matching my own.

Ariella Anna Accardi

"I don't know where I am. I'm blindfolded. All I remember from last night is something hitting me on my head and passing out.

Someone pulls the blindfold off of my face.

"Didn't I tell you that I would get you back, Ariella?" Carlos asks with a smug grin on his face.

I look down and I'm tied up to a chair with ropes; trying to move, I can't.

"Don't bother, those ropes are tied really well," he says.

"I promise you won't have to be tied up in a few days when we are finally married," he says.

"You know, Carlos, you're such a psychotic bastard. When I get out of here, I'm gonna kill you myself, asshole," I say, and his response is just a chuckle. "Always so feisty."

"I'll see you later, love," he says, holding my chin before walking off.

I look around and notice how spacious and empty this room is.

Luciano Rey Delgado

The absence of Ariella has been unbearable. I've received threats from her father, but nothing compares to the anguish of not knowing her whereabouts. Her absence leaves a void, a silence that echoes throughout the mansion. I miss her voice, her presence, even her sassiness. Each passing hour without her feels like an eternity, and I'll stop at nothing until she's found and brought back safely.

Two days later

"It's been 2 fucking days Luciano, why haven't you found her yet?" Lia demands, her frustration palpable. Lia insisted on staying in Spain until her best friend is brought back safe and sound, and I've promised her that I'll ensure that.

"I don't know, Lia, we are trying our best," I reply, pinching my temple as I try to suppress my own mounting anxiety.

"Luciano, I need you to find her. I don't know how to live without her," she pleads, tears welling in her eyes.

"I promise you I will find her, even if it's the last thing I do," I assure her, my voice unwavering despite the weight of uncertainty hanging over us.

As I'm walking upstairs, I receive a call from an unknown number. Who the fuck is this now?

I answer the phone and put it to my ear. "Luciano Delgado,"

"Who is this?" I question

" Carlos Pisuto," the voice on the other end responds, and I feel a surge of rage at the sound of his name.

"You have Ariella," I state, my voice cold and controlled, masking the turmoil raging inside me.

"That's right," he confirms, his tone dripping with smugness.

"Bring her back safe and sound, or else I'll give you the worst death known to man," I threaten.

"Sounds like you have caught feelings for her," he begins, "but oh, how can I blame you?" he says

"Now, let's get straight to the point of me calling you," he says, his voice oozing with arrogance.

"I've sent one of my men to bring some papers for you tomorrow at the town hall in Madrid," he continues.

"Collect them and call me on this number so I can tell you your next step to take," he instructs before abruptly ending the call.

He's telling me what to do!?. He's holding Ariella hostage, and he's telling me what to do. I need to end him.

I immediately think of tracking the number, so I rush to the control room where Vicky is still working on locating Ariella.

Handing her the number, I urge her to trace it, but it's no use. It's like the number is practically untraceable.

Thanks so much for reading.
Bye, loves.

Mr Capo & Mrs Assassin | 18+Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang